Episode 9

S03E09 – Coming Home

Big Internet points to whoever predicted this episode’s turn of events. We get payoffs, time jumps that make us ask “What happened to Sergei?”, and we get a glimpse at the very real consequences of further automating our businesses and lives. It’s a packed episode and we’re looking forward to the next.

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409 – Nine: The Piggyback

That was a metalhead finale we can cheer for. It came down to the wire and Eleven’s arms were extending while she screamed, of course. BUT the Duffer Brothers delivered a gut punch that made us remember why we love this show. While Jim is condemning pineapple pizza to The Upside Down, A.Ron is happy to report that this episode delivers in stakes, pacing, and surprises. 

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S02E09 – Hide and Seek – Feedback

“Don’t make me defend this show.” A.Ron five times during this episode.
We’re glad to see that elements of this show speak to some people. But when it’s not speaking to us, it’s confusing us. Don’t miss Picard: The Lost Episode, a dramatic reading from A.Ron of a fan spec script that explains this madness. Before you get too giddy about the next Star Trek shows, it’s the same creative team from Picard behind the other shows.

Integrity of the magnetic containment unit is deteriorating. Power crystals might last for one final episode. Send in your feedback to picard@baldmove.com.

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Trust Doesn’t Rust

On this season finale of WHY IS MR. FEENY A CAR?! Jim Jones joins us to break down one of the best KNIGHT RIDER’s of all time, which introduces the villainous KARR! What does the world’s oldest millennial think of all this mess? What are A.Ron and Jay thinking of doing on the off season? The answers to these and many other questions await your listen!

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S02E09 – Hide and Seek

A.Ron is showing strong signs of Jurati-syndrome. And Picard is showing strong signs of “jumping the shark” syndrome. With the Borg rampage continuing and more battles being introduced into the show, Jim and ARon have a couple of useful suggestions. Who else wants to see these guys direct an episode of Picard? Though the show is a shadow of itself, we see a glimmer of hope for season three with the exciting cast announcement. But until then, we don’t have high hopes for how season two will end.
The subspace frequencies are open and the containment bottle efficiency has been increased by 66%, send in your feedback to picard@baldmove.com. Only one episode left in this season!

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S05E09 – Bad Choice Road

The penultimate episode of season 5 does a great job of setting the table for what’s sure to be a bloody finale, assuming this season follows patterns established in previous seasons of Better Call Saul. We express our love for Lalo the cat-man and Kim the wonder woman and dig deep into the character trajectories to make our final predictions of the season in S05E09 – Bad Choice Road.

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After the conclusion of The New Pope, Cecily and A.Ron discuss where we have been.  We learn the fate of everyone in what they both agree is a satisfying finale.  God can really be a complicated trickster.

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Star Wars: Episode IX – The Rise of Skywalker (2019)

Jim and I saw a Star Wars film tonight.  We were displeased. If you loved or liked the film, we’re really happy for you. But this trilogy wasn’t for us, much like it’s father, the prequel trilogy before it. If you hate the film, we totally get that, too. All we ask is that you try to be happy for the people who are happy, and try to be understanding to the people who are feeling a bit numb like us.  We’ll be back in 2020 for some more awesome movies, and probably a few that will suck, as is tradition. See you then!

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Episode 9: “Christmas Gift Giving Extravaganza!”

In Episode #9, originally aired on 12.22.14: The boys share presents for each other and from family and friends while kicking back some winter ales.

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S01E09 – See How They Fly

Jim and A.Ron watched the Watchmen.  In the finale episode of the season, and perhaps the series, See How They Fly, they break a few eggs to make a tasty omelette.  

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