Episode Five

S01E05 – Partings – Feedback

Should epic fantasy shows have required homework? Well, not homework exactly, but should you need to do research to understand what’s going on? Is TROP suffering from the kind of writing that is coming for straight-to-streaming? Are we sure that there was only ONE meteor? And get an impromptu Age of Sail lesson from A.Ron. 

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The Rings of Power – S01E05 – Partings

John was joined by Jim from Bald Move to discuss Elrond’s father Eärendil the Mariner, the origins of Mithril, and John’s beef about the status of the Silmarils. John received a surprise audio diary from David with some thoughts on this episode. Then, Tolkien scholar Marilyn R. Pukkila and John discussed the Palantíri and their role in Tolkien’s legendarium. Finally, Jim and John took on some listener feedback before John hosted the “Spoilore” feedback segment of the Lorecast.

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S01E05 – Partings

A.Rondork and Jimbella are here to tell you about the good moments and a few moments to grumble about. Some speeches come a bit short of Independence Day level of inspiration, but nothing comes close to the magic of the relationship between Elrond and Durin. When Galadriel isn’t writing checks she can’t cash, she and the other Elves seem to be operating in stark black and white. So where does that leave the characters? Find out in this episode of Dug Too Deep.

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S01E05 – We Light the Way – Feedback

Westeros Punnett squares might not actually be squares? Maybe more like circles because of the incest? What exactly is Daemon up to? We can’t be sure, and the show is doing that on purpose. Tensions run high when spurned lovers reach a breaking point and we get a Red-ish Wedding. Maybe an orange wedding? Explore these questions and more in this episode of feedback.

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S01E05 – We Light the Way

Harwin stans unite! On an episode that’s even better with a second watch, there’s plenty to unpack. We get to see that Mushroom’s tales contain more truth than expected. Spurned lovers, bereft royalty, and ineffective runic armor all spell trouble in Westeros. Clutch your pearls like Alicent and hold on tight.

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S01E05 – We Light the Way – Instant Talk

You all have a greyscale obsession…which is a symptom of greyscale! I checked the Fire and Ice wiki, so you can trust me. Now, who’s ready for more secrets and spurned lovers? It’s not Four Weddings and A Funeral, no, no. The funerals in this show are sure to outnumber the weddings.

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S04E05 – Zhuangzi – Feedback

Gather ‘round fleshy humans, we’re going through YOUR feedback and theories. Is this all part of Ford’s scheme? Is the show using the Darth Vader plan? Is there a secret Morse code message in lipstick application? Can hosts anchor themselves in reality the same way humans can? And we have special feedback for our philosophy episode!

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S04E05 – Zhuangzi

Are we hosts dreaming that we’re human? Or are we humans dreaming that we’re hosts? Dive into the philosophical origins of the title of this episode. Jim comes around to A.Ron’s ascension theory based on evidence from this episode. We get some answers in this episode, but now we have more questions.

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S04E05 – Zhuangzi – Instant Talk

Join in on our discussion of YOUR questions and theories. Westworld is hitting its stride in a big way. It felt good to finally get some answers to our burning questions, but now that the door has been kicked down, more questions are flooding in. Charlotte Hale is cementing her place as one of the greatest villains. We’ve done the philosophical research for you in this episode of Watching Westworld with philosopher Aaron Rabinowitz.

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S03E05 – Seven Minutes of Terror

This episode gave us good scenes in bad storylines. After the space burial reminiscent of 2001: A Space Odyssey aesthetics, this interplanetary epic takes us through some emotion laden scenes. Danny is doing dumb stuff, Margo is doing dangerous stuff, and Sergei looks like the stuffing has been beat out of him. What does Aleida’s future look like if Margo’s secrets come to light? And are there cosmonaut defectors in the future?

Got feedback? Let us know at fam@baldmove.com.

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