Ethan Hawke

The Northman (2022)

Robert Eggers’ latest project, The Northman, delivers everything you’d expect from a Robert Eggers film; a moody atmosphere, immaculate cinematography, incredible performances, and a smattering of humor, all in a streamlined, easy-to-digest package. Join us for this first-run podcast to hear our spoiler-free review and some trailer talk, then stick around for the spoilers if you’re a Club Bald Move member.

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Training Day (2001)

It’s the 20th anniversary of Training Day and while we had no fewer than 3 big anniversaries this week, we managed to get to them all in due time. This is the only role that Denzel Washington has won an academy award in a leading role for, which seems crazy, I know! But it’s pretty well-deserved as he and Ethan Hawke carry this movie. Without either of these performances, the movie wouldn’t work. Join us for the podcast to hear our thoughts on this early 2000s dirty cop drama.

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Gattaca (1997)

What are the answers to the challenging questioned raised by the possibility of genetic selection? Who should decide whether it’s legal and to what ends it’s employed? What is Jude Law hiding by not showing full frontal on screen? These are just some of the questions we attempt to answer as we consider Andrew Niccol’s 1997 genetic dystopia movie, Gattaca.

A big thank you to Josh H for commissioning this podcast!

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Episode 9 – The Third Day, The Good Lord Bird, Enola Holmes, Lovecraft Country

This week we talk about the first 3 episodes and the 12-hour live event of HBO’s “The Third Day”, Showtime’s John Brown-based series starring Ethan Hawke called “The Good Lord Bird”, Netflix’s Sherlock Holmes-adjacent series “Enola Holmes” starring Millie Bobby Brown and Henry Cavill, and the most recent two episodes of HBO’s “Lovecraft Country.”

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