
S03E06 – New Eden – Feedback

British listeners beware, Jim and A.Ron say git over and over and I promise it’s gonna sound a bit awkward. We’ve got feedback spanning several episodes and the best of the best feedback has survived the test of time as some theories and questions have been answered or disproved. And future predictions include a bitter fallout between Aleida and Margo. Listen to feedback from you!

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S04E03 – Annees Folles – Feedback

Join us for the Annees Folles feedback podcast to hear our thoughts on the latest theories and whatever else you want to talk about.

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S04E02 – Well Enough Alone – Feedback

Are you spotting smoke and decrypting parallels from previous seasons? Maybe you should work for the FBI. Let’s ponder the question “what makes a person”? What is the show trying to say about the meaning of being sentient and alive? And how many times are we going to go back and forth between deciding if this is real or a simulation? Grab a Methuselah sized bottle of wine and enjoy the wild theories in this episode.

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S03E01-3 – Feedback

We’re discussing feedback for episodes 1-3 of season 3 of For All Mankind. Let us know what we missed, what we got wrong, and bring on those alternate future theories. Jim’s got an interesting one for you: did Yoko Ono kill the inventor of the pop-top can? And yes, there is a tiny bit of evidence to maybe support it. Let us know if you have even more to say about the unintentional villain of the series; the cables!
Got feedback? Send us a message at

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S01E04 – Part Four – Feedback

Looking at the systemic problems impeding justice, we wonder: how do we create solutions? And that’s the rub, there are no immediate solutions. The way forward will be incremental changes over years. Sounds like too long? It is. This is a multigenerational problem. Hopefully the addition of shows like The Wire and We Own This City are changing minds and bringing more attention to issues that need to be dealt with.

And thank you to the Baltimore residents who write in to check the authenticity of the show and provide more context. And for confirming Jon Bernthal’s Baltimore dialect is accurate.

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S02E10 – Farewell – Feedback

The magnetic containment unit experienced core meltdown, and the feedback is smoking. With the madness of this season it’s no surprise your feedback covers the gamut from bad borg face effects to the nonsensical character arc closures. What do we want in season three? A full cast reunion sharing a scene together. We don’t want Patrick Stewart to catch covid, but when else are we going to have the chance to see this?
Hailing frequencies are going dark. We’re not planning Picard Season 3 episode coverage. But if you want to hear us talk about it, consider supporting us to gain access to our premium Off the Clock episodes.

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S02E09 – Hide and Seek – Feedback

“Don’t make me defend this show.” A.Ron five times during this episode.
We’re glad to see that elements of this show speak to some people. But when it’s not speaking to us, it’s confusing us. Don’t miss Picard: The Lost Episode, a dramatic reading from A.Ron of a fan spec script that explains this madness. Before you get too giddy about the next Star Trek shows, it’s the same creative team from Picard behind the other shows.

Integrity of the magnetic containment unit is deteriorating. Power crystals might last for one final episode. Send in your feedback to

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S02 E08 – Mercy – Feedback

“Highly illogical.”–Spock. OG Spock said it right.
Fans of Old Trek admired the show for its unique personality, but now Star Trek and all of its spinoffs have gone the way of the blockbuster. With uninspired action set pieces, unnecessary character trauma, and nonsensical behavior of Star Fleet Officers, we’re really missing Classic Trek. The intellectual heritage got blown away by the lens flares. Let’s explore the universe, not have another CGI battle.
The subspace frequencies are open and the containment bottle efficiency has been increased by 33%, send in your feedback to

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S02 E07 – Monsters – Feedback

There’s so much feedback, the crystals that sealed the Magnetic Containment Bottle have burnt out. We were offered an explanation on why Borg-Jurati sings that Pat Benatar song, but do we accept it? And please Paramount, put subtitles on the screeners. 

Set your frequencies to and send in that feedback. 

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S02E06 – Two of One – Feedback

Your feedback has been held in the Magnetic Containment Bottle on the Starship Bald Move and Captains A.Ron and Jim and are cracking it open to read what you have to say. The Picard writing team have phasers set to stun, and stunned we are. Let’s decipher the portrayal of mental health and dream about what a present-day episodic Star Trek would be like.

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