Fire and Blood

“Gods of Thrones” – “Fire and Blood” – Part 1

My Gods of Thrones co-author Anthony is back once again as we do a deep dive on GRRM’s latest work, Fire & Blood! We talk about events up to but not including “Jaehaerys and Alysanne, Their Triumphs and Tragedies”. Next week we’ll be reading up to “The Dying of the Dragons, Rhaenyra Triumphant”, before finishing the book the week after. This week’s all about Aegon, Maegor, and the third generation Targaryen that really steals the show, Jaehaerys! We talk about the gossipy tone the Maester sometimes takes, the doctrinal concept of “Targaryen Exceptionalism”, missing dragon eggs, maester conspiracy theories, and that most well worn Thrones hobbyhorse, incest.

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“Gods of Thrones” – “Fire and Blood” Initial Thoughts

Anthony and I talk about GRRM’s latest book, Fire and Blood, which is a complete and in-depth historical account of the 300 year old Targaryen dynasty in Westeros. We discuss our initial thoughts, anything that might have changed some of our thoughts in Gods of Thrones, any intriguing jumping off points for theory-crafting, and consider fan feedback. Also, Anthony has some stunning revelations about the possible origins of the rib-bone that God took from Adam to make the first woman in the Genesis creation story. You don’t want to miss this!

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110 – Fire and Blood

Welcome to our coverage of the final episode of HBO’s Game of Thrones series, “Fire and Blood”. This episode provides a bit of both substances. We talk about the surprising success of Dany’s little ritual, a shockingly spry Grand Maester, the promise of an epic ranging of the Night’s Watch, and Robb being proclaimed DA KING IN DA NORFFF!! by his loyal bannermen. Not to mention tons of feedback, and our spoiler section safely tucked at the end of our podcast to avoid the ruination of future episodes for the first time fans.

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