Frances McDormand

Almost Famous (2000)

Almost famous is one of those movies that shouldn’t feel as real as it does. It’s an outrageous story about a teenaged musical critic who goes on tour with an up and coming rock band in the 1970s and accidentally finds himself writing the cover story for Rolling Stone. Totally relatable, right? Well, turns out it’s a semi-autobiographical depiction of the writer / director Cameron Crowe’s childhood, who spent his formative years touring with the likes of Skynyrd and Zeppelin as a music critic. You have to wonder how deep the similarities go when you see some of the stuff that happens in the movie, but it’s immensely enjoyable and the soundtrack is fantastic. Join us for the podcast to hear our thoughts on Almost Famous.

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Burn After Reading (2008)

Jim’s filling in the gaps in his Cohen brothers catalog viewing and A.Ron is giving Burn After Reading one last chance after not being impressed with it years ago. Join us for the podcast to find out what we thought of this star-studded farce.

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Blood Simple (1984)

Sean Ray commissioned one of his favorite movies, the Coen Brothers’ 1984 directorial debut, Blood Simple. Starring Coen favorite Frances McDormand, it’s an interesting look into the prehistorical fossil Coen record. So many shots and themes established in this first film go on to make up the DNA of their later works. You’ll see Fargo, Miller’s Crossing, No Country for Old Men, and even a few dashes of Raising Arizona and The Big Lebowski in this film. Having said that, there is a whole helluva lot of 1980’s film making and first time directing on display as well.

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