
Geek Colorblindness – Episode 12

Whether it’s RTS, fantasy or anime, every geek is immune to the charms of some band of the geek spectrum. Jim, Peter and A. Ron confront their biases and try to figure out why they exist in episode 12 of Blue Yonder.

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Gaming Ethics – Episode 7

There’s a fine line to walk when talking about gaming ethics. In episode 7 of Blue Yonder, Jim, Peter and A. Ron relate some stories about the times that they, and others, have come close to that line or happily long-jumped over it.

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Geek Bliss – Episode 6

In episode 6 of Blue Yonder, the guys relate a few of their geek bliss moments, the geeky moments in their lives that they appreciate. These moments cover genres from video games to sci-fi movies and fantasy novels to Toys ‘R’ Us.

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PAX East 2010 (Part 3) – Episode 4

This is it, the final part of the PAX East special. It’s chock full o’ nuts… er, talk about concerts, meetin’ Wheaton, PA panels, cosplayers, geek panel and an addendum to a past Would You Rather?

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PAX East 2010 (Part 2) – Episode 3

Part 2 of the PAX East special is loaded full of talk about the PA Panels and our Saturday at PAX East including gaming, the Fail Now panel, WOTC and more. We also go back to Friday to talk about the Nvidia panel.

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PAX East 2010 (Part 1) – Episode 2

A.Ron and Jim are back from Boston and ready to talk about their experience at the very first PAX East. Was it as good as their experience at PAX Prime? Find out in the second episode of Blue Yonder! Please excuse the sound quality in this episode. We used the audio from the Skype stream in order to get the cast to you guys faster. I’ll remix it soon with much better quality.

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