
Steve Jackson Interview – PAX East 2011

We’ve had a crazy weekend so far, and PAX isn’t even over! Join us for a bonus cast covering PAX East 2011, including a great interview of Steve Jackson, of Steve Jackson Games. Designer of GURPS, Munchkin, Zombie and Cthulu Dice, Steve was nice enough to give us about 30 minutes of his time to talk about game developing, table top gaming, and what great new products they’ve been working on, including a version of Munchkin with an Axe Cop theme. Hope you enjoy!

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Dick Wolves Hunt in PAX – Episode 53

There’s a buzz in the air. No, it’s not the 2 cups of coffee you just bodyslammed into your bloodstream… or the cocaine. It’s the buzz of PAX! We’re one week out from PAX East 2011. The guys can’t stop thinking about it and now, neither can you. Jim and A.Ron wrestle the Dick Wolves controversy to the ground, pin it, and teach it a lesson before turning their sites on the PAX panels themselves with a rundown of the time-wasters and must-see panels.

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Sick Ward – Episode 52

How much do we love you guys?  Enough to release a cast with one member down, and two on life support.  Listen as A.Ron struggles with week two of the plague and Jim actually dies ON AIR of consumption.  This is the Oregon Trail of podcasts.  Our wagon’s axle breaks, we lose our food and gunpowder fording the river, and the entire party dies of dysentery.

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Unboxed – Episode 51

This week’s cast is HOT.  You know me well enough that if we have an iffy or so-so week, I’ll tell you up front.  “Under-promise and over-deliver”, that’s the A.Ron motto.  In related news; I’m a mediocre lover, ladies.  Rowr.

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Golden Anniversary Show! – Episode 50

We made it to fifty episodes, bitches!  FITTY!  Yeah!  Join Jim, Peter, and A.Ron as we look back at our first year in production.  We take you behind the scenes, reminiscing about our favorite shows, what worked, what didn’t, which casts were the most popular, how our format has evolved, things we’re proud of and things that were disappointing.

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Foam Huffing – Episode 49

Jim and A.Ron tackle one of the watershed issues of our day.  The god-awful disappointment of the Star Wars Prequel trilogy.  Spurned to discussion and debate by’s recent evisceration of Episode 3, we talk candidly about our betrayal by Uncle George.  Although initially Jim is less than enthused about the top — wait!  What’s that?! GOOD GOD THAT’S PETER STREET’S MUSIC!

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Begging on Digital Knees – Episode 48

In this week’s thrilling episode!  Jim has an acute attack of Girl On The Internet Syndrome, locksmithing, the evolution of the (Friendly) Local Gaming Store, and we wade carefully into dangerous waters with the latest installment of Stafa’s corner.  Finally, we tell a bald-faced lie regarding the inclusion of the fabled “Bo Jackson” content into this week’s episode.  No, no! No damn crying!  You’ll just have to wait for next week.

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Double Rainbow – Episode 47

A very special episode of Blue Yonder this week, as the guys discuss a serious topic; gays and geekdom. The geek community has a rep for being open minded and progressive, but is that warranted? Why aren’t there more gay role models/heroes in science fiction, fantasy, and video games in general? It’s not all heavy, as we touch lightly on Minecraft, Breaking Bad, douchebags, and post-outro, offer up some of the finest, old school off topic outtakes we’ve had in a while.

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Watersports – Episode 46

I know what you’re thinking. This is the Blue Yonder crew. I’m NOT listening to any damn thing that is tagged “watersports!” I know! I know. But listen, it’s not about what you’re thinking. Mostly not. Maybe a little? But it’s totally in a video game context, so I’m sure you can deal. If not, I have several really excellent therapists I can refer you to.

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MOPI Discussion — BONUS Cast

We knew a lot of you wouldn’t want to sit through even more discussion of singularity / Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect, but we had to get it out of our system. This book tends to do that to you. Bonus content to the rescue! Feast your ears on even more discussion and debate about trans-humanity, the ethics and morals of artificial intelligence, plot details, writing styles, graphic content, themes, allegories, religious allusions and other art major type bullshit! Or not!

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