George Clooney

Ocean’s Eleven (2001)

Two decades later, Ocean’s Eleven is cemented in as a genre defining film. The star studded cast has everyone’s non-problematic fav, George Clooney. To A.Ron, it’s a near perfect film. To Jim, it’s a great movie, but Julia Roberts is there. If you like memorable one-liners, snappy editing, and wildly entertaining characters, you’ll love this movie and the podcast episode about it.

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The Perfect Storm (2000)

When help is needed, George Clooney and Marky Mark will answer the call. Watch them battle a storm that threatens to swallow them whole. ILM put together these effects over two decades ago and they still look great. This predecessor to Deadliest Catch isn’t the perfect movie, but it’ll keep you strapped to your seat. Come sail away with us as we discuss The Perfect Storm.
Come back for our episode on Backdraft!

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Syriana (2005)

This harrowing drama was written and directed by Stephen Gaghan and features a star-studded cast with George Clooney, Matt Damon, and Jeffrey Wright. The threats are real, and America seems to be a lot of them as people put their thumbs on the scales of economy and justice. Let’s ponder the questions, “What level of corruption will create a facade of a functioning society? Is shadowy corruption better than a feudal state putting people to the sword? Are you depressed yet?”

Thank you to Robert for commissioning this episode!

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Burn After Reading (2008)

Jim’s filling in the gaps in his Cohen brothers catalog viewing and A.Ron is giving Burn After Reading one last chance after not being impressed with it years ago. Join us for the podcast to find out what we thought of this star-studded farce.

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Suburbicon (2017)

A.Ron and Cecily went to do a make up review of the Coen Brothers written, George Clooney directed film Suburbicon, and it’s not great, Bob.  Cecily saw some interesting things with the social commentary and A.Ron is in agreement that the movie was good looking and well acted, but ultimately the movie is pointless, depressing, and disappointing.  We also discuss trailers like we do, but if you want to hear the full spoilers review of the film, you’ll have to be a Club Member.  Why not join today?

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Hail, Caesar! (2016)

We’ve seen the latest Coen brother’s film, “Hail, Caesar!”, and it’s really… something. Funny, but not hilarious, interesting but ultimately meaningless… or is it? A crazy stew of singing and dancing and politics and religion and featuring more star power than the Milky Way, like most Coen films it will probably reward multiple views. Check out our spoiler free mini-review, and if you’re a Club member, stick around for a spoiler filled in depth discussion.

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