George Lucas

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989)

Don your fedora and grab your whip, Jim and A.Ron are adventuring into Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. You’ll recognize many of these actors from other beloved franchises. The score will transport you to the venturesome, treasure-rich world of Indiana Jones. Catch some fun facts including the reason why Sean Connery wasn’t wearing pants during filming part of the time. And check out the Indiana Jones themed home bar build from Arcade Shenanigans.
Thank you to Bill for commissioning this episode!

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Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)

Take a walk on the adventurous side as we revisit a staple of classic pulp movies. The dialogue crackles, the visuals stun, and Harrison Ford creates an icon of 20th century cinema. We have the behind-the-scenes of stunts and the story of Lucas and Spielberg’s fateful Hawaii trip. From the rolling boulder to the Ark wiping out the Third Reich, it’s a rip roaring time of good writing, great acting, and a score that soars.

Thank you to Bill Dodd for commissioning this episode!

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Willow (1988)

The Super Serious Film Fest: Fantasy reaches it’s thrilling conclusion with a look at 1998’s Willow. The brain child of one George Lucas, directed by protege Ron Howard, and starring the delightful Warwick Davis, Willow still struggles to this day to find an audience. It suffers from simultaneously being curiously dark for a family film, but far too simple, uncomplicated, and broad to hold much interest for adults. While it boasted some cutting edge special effects for our day, the best one might be the baby Elora herself, played by a suite of infants. It shouldn’t be possible for a baby to be this winsome and charming, but there it is.

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Star Wars Within A Minute: The Making Of Episode III Documentary

Michael from Arlington, Virginia was nice enough to commission this podcast in honor of his lovely and talented wife, Susanna. Michael wanted to do something positive with his commission. He wanted to recognize and celebrate the hundreds and thousands of people; the artists, craftsmen, pencil pushers, the caterers, that collectively make our favorite movies and television shows possible. So often the below the line types toil near anonymously from project to project, but not on this podcast. Using the special feature, “Star Wars Within A Minute” as a guide, we go department by department to talk about the things small and large the contribute to your average Hollywood blockbuster. Whether you’re moved to sit through credits, study more about filmmaking, or perhaps look for a local project to get involved in, we hope you enjoy this podcast.

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Star Wars: Episode VI – Return of the Jedi (1983)

Once again commissioner Fernando Rodriguez (you may better know him as FernNYC17 on our forums) steps up with a choice selection, this time the oft maligned Return of the Jedi.  Often dismissed as derivative or childish when compared to A New Hope or The Empire Strikes Back respectively, we have nothing but love for the climax of the story of Skywalker.  It’s got the best space battle, the best lightsabre battle, and the best puppets in all of Star Wars.  The Special Edition changes?  Not so much love.

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Episode 118: South Dakota Common Sense

Welcome to Episode 118 of the Personal Arrogants podcast. This week, Jesse is out because he had a baby. But in his place, Aron Hubbard has joined us from the Bald Move network to cover the following topics. It’s a doozie! • Listener Feedback (6:50) • Disney Buys Star Wars (16:40) • Trivia! (41:23) •…

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