Gotham Blotter

112 – “What the Little Bird Told Him”

Gotham is owning it right now, and this episode gave us pretty much everything we wanted from the show. New supervillain? Check. Mafia warfare? Check. Cop Banter? Check. Zsasz? CHECK!!! What a great return to form that gets Eric and Levi super stoked for the rest of the season. Let’s do this! Got (ham) something…

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109 – “Harvey Dent”

Eric and Levi had wildly different opinions about this episode. On one hand, it was a big-time character development episode that moved the plot forward. On the other hand, it was a little sleepy. But in the end, this episode served as a great set-up for the Fall finale. Let’s go! Got (ham) something to…

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107 – “Penguin’s Umbrella”

The consensus best episode of Gotham so far brought us a lot of answers. Some of those answers were to questions we didn’t even know we were asking, but they were answers nonetheless. Lots of action, lots of plot, and lots of stuff we liked. This was without a doubt one of the seminal moments…

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106 – “Spirit of the Goat”

This week, Aron joins Eric and Levi to chat about this roller-coaster episode of Gotham. We loved the Bullock, Penguin, and Nygma plots, but Montoya, Allen, and Barb left something (ahem…motivation, story, common sense) to be desired. I think this was the first episode of Gotham (for me) that was worse than the episode before…

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106i – “Spirit of the Goat” – Instant Take

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. Geez, what an up and down episode of Gotham! We fell like this show gave us the best of what Gotham can be – but it also might have given us the worst of what Gotham can be. Here’s the instant take, full…

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105i – “Viper” – Instant Take

What a show! Easily the best episode of Gotham (in our opinion). In this instant take, we cover the birth of Bane, the dawn of Bruce, the fishiness of Mooney, the painted corner of Jim, and we tighten our tinfoil hats for Alfred. Get it while it’s hot! Got (ham) something to say? Send us…

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104 – “Arkham”

This was easily the most complex episode of Arkham so far, and we think that’s a good thing. Penguin’s and Fish’s plans are beginning to take shape, Maroni and Falcone are squaring off, and Alfred is looking…interesting. Plus, your awesome feedback. Keep it coming! Send us an email at Or leave us a voicemail…

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104i – “Arkham” – Instant Take

As the show slowly builds, Eric, Jesse, and Levi unleash a new Gotham Blotter feature: the “Instant Take.” Each week, the dudes will record a short podcast right after the episode airs to supplement their full coverage. That’s two ‘casts a week, and we want you to be a part of it! Send us an…

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103 – “The Balloonman”

Gotham is a show that’s coming into it’s own, and this episode proved it. All of a sudden, Bullock was a real person. Jim, Barb, and Montoya had motivation. Penguin ate another sandwich. We’re all excited to see how this pans out in next week’s “Arkham” episode. Thanks for listening! Send us an email at…

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