Heath Ledger

Brokeback Mountain (2005)

Brokeback Mountain is a movie that received a lot of attention, both from critics and the media, when it came out in 2005. That was likely just due just as much to it being a movie about two men in love that treated it like any other star-crossed relationship as it was the incredible performances of everyone involved, but specifically the lead actors. Join us for a discussion of this Oscar-winning film.

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A Knight’s Tale (2001)

Today we’re celebrating the 20th anniversary of A Knight’s Tale. Even if you’re not a fan of romantic comedies, you’ll absolutely love the other parts of this movie. It contains more star power than any movie has a right to, with the likes of Heath Ledger, Paul Bettany, Alan Tudyk, and Mark Addy, and certain unforgettable someone from Breaking Bad.

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