
Hellboy (2019)

Jim and I saw the Neil Marshall helmed, David Harbour starring 2019 reboot of Hellboy. And it’s the definition of a mixed bag. Sporting an impressively low 11% fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes, Jim thought the movie was bad, but I borderline loved it. I have no explanation for my critical disparity, and I can see the issues with plot and humor that Jim and others are expressing but… I’ve seen a helluva lot of worse movies this year get better reviews. Am I losing my touch? Or do you just have to be a die hard Hellboy fan to admire what this movie has to offer. It’s a damn shame, because while I think everyone can agree that Harbour makes an excellent Hellboy, the movie isn’t likely to get the sequel his casting deserves.

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Guillermo del Toro – Hellboy II: The Golden Army

Hellboy II is a sequel with teeth (and tooth faeries). Guillermo del Toro’s follow up to his 2004 comic book flick has a little more of everything. Tons of practical effects, big action set pieces, and big choices for a lot of characters. But do the cartooney aspects outweigh the rip-roaring fun of the movie?

Light up come Cubans, listen to Barry Manilow, and tun a cop car into grass. It’s Hellboy time!

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Guillermo del Toro – Hellboy

Hellboy is a detailed, wild ride that appeals directly to Levi and Eric’s geeky sensibilities. It also represents a unique and outstanding entry into the comic book genre. Plus, there are plenty of del Toro-isms to go around. Lovecraftian monsters? Check. Catholic symbolism? Check. Glowsticks? Check. Hellboy is a big story that goes down smooth. Bravo, Guillermo. Join us next week for Pan’s Labyrinth.

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