Hostiles and Calamities

711 – Hostiles and Calamities

Jim and A.Ron point and laugh at poor Eugene in the latest episode of AMC’s The Walking Dead, “Hostiles and Calamities”. Eugene fails at lobster, succeeds at Yar’s Revenge, blows up some balloons, puts on a wiz bang science show, and ultimate turns into the bad guy? Yeah right, we’ll believe it when we see it. Meanwhile, Dwight reaches the sad boring conclusion of the Dwight/Sherry saga that began way back in episode 606, “Always Accountable”. Also, A.Ron vents his spleen about Eugene’s direction in the Spoiler Section tucked safely away at the very end of the show.

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711 – Hostiles and Calamities – LIVE RECORDING

Watch us record the podcast, including all the sound checks, flubs, and riveting research breaks that you’ve always wished you could see… Hey, at least you can hear the podcast before anyone else.

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711 – Hostiles and Calamities – LIVE WATCH

Come watch the episode with us. If it’s bad, we’ll make fun of it. If it’s good… well, we’ll still make fun of it, just a little less seriously.

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