House of the Dragon

S01E05 – We Light the Way – Feedback

Westeros Punnett squares might not actually be squares? Maybe more like circles because of the incest? What exactly is Daemon up to? We can’t be sure, and the show is doing that on purpose. Tensions run high when spurned lovers reach a breaking point and we get a Red-ish Wedding. Maybe an orange wedding? Explore these questions and more in this episode of feedback.

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(105) We Light the Way

Comic Steve Ausburne explains the difference between “duty babies” and “romance babies” in Westeros. He shares why he loves vomit but hates metal detectors. Also, the guys cover the best episode of HOTD yet.

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S01E05 – We Light the Way

Harwin stans unite! On an episode that’s even better with a second watch, there’s plenty to unpack. We get to see that Mushroom’s tales contain more truth than expected. Spurned lovers, bereft royalty, and ineffective runic armor all spell trouble in Westeros. Clutch your pearls like Alicent and hold on tight.

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S01E05 – We Light the Way – Instant Talk

You all have a greyscale obsession…which is a symptom of greyscale! I checked the Fire and Ice wiki, so you can trust me. Now, who’s ready for more secrets and spurned lovers? It’s not Four Weddings and A Funeral, no, no. The funerals in this show are sure to outnumber the weddings.

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S01E04 – King of the Narrow Sea – Feedback

The feedback bag is bulging, time to cut it open! A helpful listener clears up the “Yes, sir” vs. “Yes, ma’am” business. An observant listener points out the title of the show is actually GOT: HOTD, so it is totally appropriate to ask people if they have HOTD. And a confused Jim wants to know what “riding a dragon” truly means.

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(104) King of the Narrow Sea

Is Daemon an accidental genius? Will Rhaenyra learn to play the perceptions game? Why is this Anthony’s favorite episode yet? Then Kavita Mudan Finn answers a question about perceptions of sex in the medieval world.

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S01E04 – King of the Narrow Sea

Rhaenyra is swiping left on the lords of the land during her bachelorette tour of the realm. Daemon makes a gaudy return to the Red Keep, which means trouble is afoot. Between the late-night trysts and ‘low-born Mardi Gras’, tensions are running high. Explore the angst and more in this laugh-out-loud episode from Bald Move.

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S01E04 – King of the Narrow Sea – Instant Talk

Drink up, everyone! HOTD has a steamy episode living up to the Bald Move nickname. What year is it, how babies are there, and was that sexual tension or family bonding time? Join in to ask these questions and more in this Instant Talk.
Want to represent Team HOTD? Check out the new merch in the Bald Move store!

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Interview with Linguist David J. Peterson

The writer for the High Valyrian dialogue between Daemon and Rhaenyra joins Double Dragon. What do these characters really say? Do the subtitles capture the subtleties of the language? Then medievalists Kavita Mudan Finn and Iain MacInnes answer listener questions about the history behind the show.

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S01E03 – Second of His Name – Feedback

We know that you’re still processing the trauma of Season 8 of GOT, but don’t let that and the time jumps freak you out. Resident Lore Master A.Ron says we haven’t even gotten to the juicy stuff yet. We start out this episode with some housekeeping updates about some technical fixes and issues, and then stay tuned for feedback that burns hotter than a flaming arrow to the shoulder.

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