
Inception (2010) – 10th Anniversary

Tomorrow is the 10th anniversary of Christopher Nolan’s dreamscape heist film, Inception. We covered it immediately after its initial release and 10 years later we’re back to do it all over again. I assume we’ll hit level three in about 90 more years and come back from limbo to cover it one final time, but until then check out our 2nd podcast review of this film.

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Old Movie Review Round Up

Hey guys, I was digging through our archives and I found a few other movie reviews we did over the past few years.  Some of them were bonus-only for the forums we used to have, so they haven’t previously been available.  I don’t know if there is any interest in them, but I didn’t want to lose them either, so I’m posting them here for posterity.  It’s also an interesting glimpse into the evolution of our podcasts… In roughly chronological order…

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