Jared Leto

Requiem for a Dream (2000)

Requiem for a Dream is one of those movies that leaves marks and thanks to Nicholas’s commission, our wounds have been freshly reopened. Join us for our coverage of the movie that left us with a “not even once” attitude toward heroin.

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Blade Runner 2049 (2017)

Jim and A.Ron went to see Bladerunner 2049 tonight, what did they think?  A.Ron thinks it’s amazing, absorbing, and needs multiple viewings to unravel all of it’s mysteries, while Jim thinks the same but wishes they’d cut about 20 minutes of Gosling walking down sidewalks and starring off into the distance.  And that’s probably fair, but then again a somewhat stately, almost glacial pace is kind of a Bladerunner hallmark, no?  Enjoy our spoiler free review, and discussion of upcoming movies for free, but if you want to hear our in depth thoughts on the movie, you’ll have to be a Club Member!

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