
Why is Mr. Feeny a Car?! – S02E11 – Knight Rider (1982) – S01E01&E02 – Goliath

It’s time to pull back into the back of the semi-truck and put FEENY into hiatus until it’s time for our next shadowy flight through the action TV of yesteryear. Before we go, we recap an all-time classic Knight Rider episode, the feature length season 2 premiere, “Goliath”. It’s got everything. The evil Garthe Knight, African warlords, conniving widows, menacing science montages, and Michael and KITT getting legitimately jacked up in a scene that traumatized me as a youth. Can a millennial ever hope to understand the love between a Gen-X boy and his increasingly magical Trans-Am? Find out on this very special season finale of MR. FEENY!

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Why is Mr. Feeny a Car?! – S02E10 – The Greatest American Hero (1981) – S03E10 – Wizards and Warlocks

We left it up to listeners to guide us to the most improved THE GREATEST AMERICAN HERO episode ever, and what can I say? They rolled a natural 20 and crushed the skill check. The show writers had a lot of thoughts on Dungeons and Dragons, Satanic Panics, the Youth and Their Vidya Games. A lot of hilariously wrong thoughts, but in the best, most entertaining way possible. Grab your giant sand dial, don your best fez, and be sure to draw your destiny card because it’s time to enter the dark, sinister, literally underground world of Wizards and Warlocks!

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Why is Mr. Feeny a Car?! – S02E09 – Airwolf (1984) – S01E11 – Mind of the Machine

IMDB really picked a gem of an AIRWOLF episode for us this week! David Carridine? A sorta/quasi showdown with an evil Airwolf? A fiery redhead last seen doing cow math on Knight Rider? Some nice character work between Dom and String? This episode has it all, along with some terrific helicopter action sequences and pulse pounding synth holding it all together. Pure nostalgic bliss!

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S02E08 – The A-Team (1983) – S02E21 – Deadly Maneuvers

On the second half of this season of Mr. Feeny, we’re checking out the BEST episodes of the series we’ve already seen, and this week we’re taking a second look at A-Team’s “Deadly Maneuvers”! Seems like everybody wants an arch nemesis to square off against in the 80s, and this week the A-Team is met with a B-Team assembled from the personals section of Soldier of Fortune magazine by a corrupt consortium of rich dicks who are sick of the A-Teams meddling in their affairs. You’ll never guess, but Mr. T is once more laid low by drinking milk. I pity the fool who doesn’t got milk!

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Why is Mr. Feeny a Car?! – S02E07 – MacGyver (1985) – S03E08 – The Widowmaker

On the second half of this season of Mr. Feeny, we’re checking out the BEST episodes of the series we’ve already seen, and this week we take a second look at MACGYVER’s “The Widowmaker”, and give Jim his second crack at MR. FEENY this season! This is the episode that cements Murdock as an arch-nemesis for Mac, and we love that for him. But we’re not sure there’s enough “MacGyvering” to be had in what’s supposed to be the top episode, and we, like his close friends, missed MacGyver’s smile. Of course when I say we, I meant the gen-xers on the podcast, because our resident millennial loved the darker, more somber take. 

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Why is Mr. Feeny a Car?! – S02E06 – The Dukes of Hazzard (1979) – Bad Day in Hazzard

On the second half of this season of Mr. Feeny, we’re checking out the BEST episodes of the series we’ve already seen, starting with The Dukes of Hazzard’s S04E023, “Bad Day in Hazzard”. In this one, the Duke family and the forces of Boss Hogg are held at gunpoint as part of a daring scheme to steal millions from the US Treasury. Will Jay find the heel/face team up interesting, or will the Dukes much of a muchness wear thin?

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S02E05 – The Greatest American Hero (1981): “Pilot”

Our latest 80s action show selection was inspired by Jay’s hazy hotel memories of once being entertained by this show. Jay regrets this pick almost immediately, but A.Ron has flashbacks to the bitter disappointment of a misspent youth where he allowed himself to get excited for a live action superhero show on network TV. Intergenerational bonding is what we’re all about on this podcast, so we help each other through the deep hurting that is watching the adventures of Mr. Hinkley and his super powered special ed class.

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S02E04 – The Dukes of Hazzard (1979): “One Armed Bandits”

The Dukes of Hazzard in a very entertaining show that is unfortunately buried underneath multiple layers of Daughters of the Confederacy obfuscation and Hollywood writing room ignorance. Good looking guys and gals tear-assing around the countryside in a classic American muscle car clowning on corrupt law enforcement all while fighting for justice and the underprivileged. What’s not to like? Wait, they’re calling that car the General what now? And what’s that on its roof? Oh. Ah. Okay. Hear us out. We have a plan to save the Duke boys from themselves!

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S02E03 – MacGyver (1985): “Pilot”

This week we take a look at Big Dick Anderson’s Magnum Opus, MacGyver. MacGyver was James Bond with Bill Nye the Science Guy sensibilities, and when Jim heard he was the subject of our next Feeny, he had to join. This is a great introduction to the character and his schtick, as Mac has to travel to an underground bunker that has suffered a catastrophic bombing, and now threatens to leak powerful acids into the local water table. It’s up to Mac, with a busted pair of binocs, some chocolate bars, a gram or two of pure sodium, and a few cold capsules to save the day. As a bonus, I tell the tale of how MacGyver nearly blinded a kid back in the third grade!

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S02E02 – Airwolf (1984) Pilot: “Shadow of the Hawke”

Boy, these shows really loved their feature length pilots, didn’t they? This week’s shadowy flight takes Jay and A.Ron into the world of a real man’s: Stringfellow Hawke. Stoic, heroic, traumatized war vet, appreciator of fine wine and finer art, musically gifted, philosophically complicated, mysterious and irresistible to women, stunt pilot by day and mercenary pilot by night. It’s A LOT. Airwolf is still badass, the villain is campy fun, Archangel is cool as coolwhip in his ice cream suit and patchglasses, but nearly every scene without a helicopter is deader than Gaddafi, who may or may not appear in this episode. Btw, did you know you can like, die, just by staying outside too long? It’s TRUE!

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