Jennifer Lawrence

Silver Linings Playbook (2012)

This atypical romcom is the story of two broken people helping each other. Jennifer Lawrence and Bradley Cooper play characters in the throes of their mental illnesses. David O. Russell adapted and directed this project, and JLaw won her first Oscar playing Tiffany. With such a high pedigree in cast and director, it’s no surprise that this film delivers on every front. And yes, it is a Christmas film.

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Red Sparrow (2018)

Tonight we were supposed to see A Wrinkle in Time, but we were upstaged by A Wrinkle in Ticket Pre-sales, so we called an audible and saw the movie we were supposed to see last week, Red Sparrow.  Starring Jennifer Lawrence as a Russian ballerina turned deadly secret agent, and Joel Edgerton as just a dumb*ss American spy it manages to be lurid without being interesting.  We’ll tell you what we thought about the movie up front, then talk about upcoming movies and trailers for a bit, but if you want our full spoiler-filled take you’ll have to be a Club Member! 

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Mother! (2017)

Jim and A.Ron have seen Darren Aronofsky’s newest film, Mother!, and A.Ron hates it while Jim isn’t sure.  But it’s rated 78% on Rotten Tomatoes, so don’t let us put you off it.  It’s a piece of art, and it makes you feel things, that’s for sure.  Oh, by the way, if it hasn’t been clear, me — that is to say, A.Ron — is the guy who writes all of these little stub articles that no one reads and I’m still kind of angry and raw that I sat through this film, so I’m going to see myself out.  Enjoy the free part of the movie review and trailer talk, and if you want to hear us try to decompress the film, there’s that too but only if you’re a Club Member.  See you next week for Kingsmen 2: The Golden Circle.

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