
Star Trek: Strange New Worlds – S02E09 – Subspace Rhapsody

It’s a musical episode that is out of this world, literally! A.Ron loved it, Jim hated it. But both agree that Pelia is annoying. Jim and A.Ron had some predictions on which cast members would make good singers…find out if they were right! And somebody please stop Spock from taking a red pill.

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Off the Clock – Good Omens S2, Always Sunny, WWDITS, Extraction 1 & 2, Children of Ruin

“Off the Clock” is our weekly premium show where we talk about all the TV we’ve been watching in our free time. One episode per month is also dedicated to discussion of topics voted on by our Patreon supporters.

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The Fugitive (1993) – 30th Anniversary Rerelease

In honor of The Fugitive being released 30 years ago today, we’re doing a special rerelease of this pod so you can experience the heart-pounding chase all over again! Special thanks to DrKen (previous commissioner of The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance) for commissioning this great thriller from the 90’s, The Fugitive, starring Harrison Ford as brilliant doctor wrongfully accused of the murder of his wife evading the dogged pursuit of Tommy Lee Jones as U.S. Marshal. This is one of the tightest films you’ll ever see, effortlessly moving from one set piece to another, drawing strength and vitality from the charisma and presence of it’s two brightest stars, achieving the rare balance where you want the protagonist and antagonist to find a way to both win. We have fond memories of this film from our youth, and we found it held up like Ford’s Finger ‘O Doom. Thanks again, DrKen! If you ever have to evade justice, we got a couple of bucks and a bed in the basement for you!

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Badass Fest V – The Action Hero Scouting Report with Shea Serrano

Jim and A.Ron aren’t the only ones obsessed with action heroes. Joining Bald Move is Shea Serrano, author of Action Hero Scouting Project. Shea came to spar on behalf of his favorite badasses. Tune in as he, Jim, and A.Ron discuss what it means to be an action hero, their personal qualifying factors, and why action movies mean so much to them. Find out which stars Shea is repping in this episode for Badass Fest V.

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LWJ&A – Episode 389 – Twee

Hope you’re hungry, because this is a big lunch. Getting into new hobbies is fun, but how do you start? Is your offspring a voracious reader? A.Ron has some book recommendations. Are you a “Skip Intro” person? What is “twee horror”? You’re gonna learn a lot today.

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Foundation – S02E03 – King and Commoner

It’s hard to tell what is real and what is an elaborate hologram. What is going on with Hari Seldon? First he’s not leaving footprints (very cool effects), and later found unconscious. And we have a reunion that isn’t as joyous as one might think. But reality is hard to trust here. Listen to the podcast, this is what the Prime Radiant requires.

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Justified: City Primeval – S01E03 – Backstabbers

We need to face the music, Raylan is a bad dad. There, I said it! Even though there’s a goodbye, we do get to meet a couple of fun new characters. The mad man Clement is ready to hustle the Albanians. Some of the cops are getting squirrely. And the show itself starts to deconstruct the Raylan mythos.

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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds – S02E08 – Under the Cloak of War

It is a right of passage for each sci-fi series to do a “war” episode. Ortegas is not happy about the ship’s new guest, the guest being the Klingon war criminal Rah. Known as the “Butcher”, Rah’s presence on the Enterprise triggers PTSD in Dr. M’Benga. Get to know more of M’Benga’s backstory in this excellently written episode of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds.

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Badass Fest V: Badass Livestream 3

CHAMPION. CHARISMA. CHARACTER. These are the qualities that make a badass.
July is almost over and that means Badass Fest V is coming to a close. Check out Jim and A.Ron’s newest rankings. Do you agree?

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Barbie (2023)

Do you ever think about death? Barbie does too! Stereotypical Barbie is having problems; her feet are flat, her imaginary water is cold, and she’s having an existential crisis. (#justgirlythings) Joining A.Ron on this pod is Bald Move’s very own producer, Talitha. Between the laugh out loud jokes and groovy outfits, the movie makes space to discuss feminism, identity, and patriarchy. Find out how Greta Gerwig weaves together the philosophy and comedy in Bald Move’s coverage of Barbie! It’s sublime.

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