
S03E08 – Surrender

Step through the metaphorical door into this episode of The Podcast Maneuver. Jim and A.Ron ponder deep questions such as, what’s the deal with the middle finger? Is the Picard wine trash? And which Star Trek character has the most interesting love life? (Jim and A.Ron have everyone’s romantic history memorized…do with that information what you will.)

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S02E02 – Edible Complex

If all your friends jumped off a bridge and then committed cannibalism, would you do it too?! Now that the cannibalistic dam has broken, when will the rest of the team take the plunge? When you’re in the wilderness, survival is dubious. Which means Javi might be gone for good. It also means there’s no Internet to look up makeup tutorials.

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LWJ&A – Episode 376 – You Can’t Print a 3D Fursuit

Lunchtime! The new Bald Move Club website is up and running. If you want a comprehensive download on this feature, check out the Empire Business from earlier this week. Did your question get bumped last week? We’re getting it this week! And on a more chaotic note, your hosts ponder Mandalorian romance and earpiece gate returns. 

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Life Itself (2014) – A Tribute to Roger Ebert

On the 10th anniversary of his passing, get to know one of the most influential film critics; Roger Ebert. He was a man who lived loudly, critiqued freely, and loved movies unflinchingly. From a young film critic prodigy to an older man in failing health, Jim and A.Ron recount the journey of Ebert’s life and his impact on their own lives.

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S03E05 – Chapter 21: The Pirate

As the series goes on, its message surrounding politics gets muddy. What is this show trying to say, if anything at all? Meanwhile, the Armorer sends Bo-Katan on Rumspringa. Moff Gideon’s ship is found with remnants of Beskar. And you CANNOT make A.Ron watch any Star Wars cartoons, ok??!!?

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S03E07 – Dominion

There are some scorching-hot dueling theories from your hosts, Jim and A.Ron, in this episode. Picard may have gotten cucked, but Beverly got “Cuckoo-ed”. As early-onset Jumaji syndrome sets in, your nutty hosts try to figure out how much of Picard you need to run a successful experiment.

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S02E01 – Friends, Romans, Countrymen

The theories, the secrets, and the drama are all coming back in season two of Yellowjackets. If you haven’t seen season one, binge it now! There’s a lot of history between these characters and this season hits the ground running. The pilot already gives us plenty to ponder as some unfamiliar Yellowjackets get some screen time and new reveals come to light.

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LWJ&A – Episode 375 – Happy Bald Move Birthday!

Lunchtime! Today is Bald Move’s 13th birthday! That means Jim and A.Ron are surly teenagers now. March 24th is also a special day in cinema, listen to find out why. Your favorite hosts watched the new John Wick this week and have the rankings that they promised. We have awkward stories, future plans, and the producer gets railroaded in this laugh out loud episode of lunch.

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S03E04 – Chapter 20: The Foundling

When baby’s first words are “This is the way”, you may need to rethink your priorities as a parent. Not only does this episode deliver on some exciting action, this is the redemption tour for Ahmed Best. Not sure who that is? Don’t worry! Jim and A.Ron dive into his story and why his appearance here is so important in this episode of Tribe of Two.

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S03E06 – Bounty

This episode has a bounty of nostalgia. Worf continues to delight, Geordi La Forge makes his appearance, and Jack waxes poetic just like his father. Joining Geordi is LeVar Burton’s real life daughter Mica. Looks like they’re keeping Star Trek in the family. But it’s not all fun and games! Keep an eye out for those Changelings.

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