
S01E06 – Udûn

‘Tis an ill portent when Jimfiel deems another episode of TROP as a “Walking Dead” episode. But don’t worry, there are good things too! Galadriel is doing some bad guy stuff and Isildur seems like he’s vying for the role of Numenorean f-boi. A.Ronbrimbor ponders the questions, “Are the Numenoreans nearsighted? And which horse is Berek?” And yes, the show is still gorgeous.

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LWJ&A – Episode 355 – You Can’t Trust Wendy

Lunchtime! Join the age old debate; Five Guys v. In-N-Out. A.Ron declares that there will be a fast-food tier list at some point. Don’t you love it when Jim loses his chill and gets on a mini-rant? He’s got one about The Rings of Power. How do you tell someone they’re oversharing with you? And get A.Ron and Jim’s first impressions on The Last of Us show trailer. And there will be NO lunch next week.

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S01E06 – The Princess and The Queen – Feedback

The feedbag is overflowing. Do you like the changes that the showrunners have made for the adaptation? Is Daemon pure chaos? How stinky is he? Apparently he reeks. Is Larys’ service leal? Did A.Ron and Jim misrepresent Alicent? Which party is confused about genes? Hear Jim and A.Ron discuss your questions and theories in this episode of feedback along with another installment of The Maester’s Corner!

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Season 11C – Preview

There’s a lot happening on the TV front, but The Walking Dead has a special place in our hearts and our schedule. Listen in for the five things that A.Ron wants to see and the moment in the trailer that gave Jim hope for the season. How is this show going to hold up against the lavish spending of House of the Dragon and The Rings of Power? Let’s find out.

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S01E06 – The Princess and The Queen

Hello Emma D’Arcy and Olivia Cooke! Make the 10 year jump with us into a Red Keep where there is a new batch of royal kids aka war-fodder. The Alicent and the Ser Crispy clique spells trouble as Rhaenyra (such a badass) wakes up to the dangers at court and takes a play from Daemon’s book. And did you watch the intro? Did you?? It’s different.

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S01E05 – Partings – Feedback

Should epic fantasy shows have required homework? Well, not homework exactly, but should you need to do research to understand what’s going on? Is TROP suffering from the kind of writing that is coming for straight-to-streaming? Are we sure that there was only ONE meteor? And get an impromptu Age of Sail lesson from A.Ron. 

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The Princess Bride (1987) 35th Anniversary Rerelease

We’re rereleasing our episode on The Princess Bride (1987) in honor of the movie’s 35th anniversary!

This was a long time coming.  Jim has avoided seeing this movie for going on 30 years.  Today, he has no where to run, no where to hide.  He’s locked in a steel cage match with “The Princess Bride”, directed by Rob Reiner and based on the novel of the same name by William Goldman.  Confronted by the beautiful faces of Cary Elwes and Robin Wright, the absurdist comedy of Miracle Max, how will he react to this crazy mashup of farce, swashbuckling, and heart?

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The Rings of Power – S01E05 – Partings

John was joined by Jim from Bald Move to discuss Elrond’s father Eärendil the Mariner, the origins of Mithril, and John’s beef about the status of the Silmarils. John received a surprise audio diary from David with some thoughts on this episode. Then, Tolkien scholar Marilyn R. Pukkila and John discussed the Palantíri and their role in Tolkien’s legendarium. Finally, Jim and John took on some listener feedback before John hosted the “Spoilore” feedback segment of the Lorecast.

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S01E06 – The Princess and the Queen – Instant Talk

The kids are not alright, not with parents like these. Join us as we welcome the new players in the cast and buy a ticket for the Queen Alicent hate-train. What’s up with the Targaryen genetics? How many hands and “hands” can Vicerys lose before we lose him? And will no one think of the children?!

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S01E05 – Partings

A.Rondork and Jimbella are here to tell you about the good moments and a few moments to grumble about. Some speeches come a bit short of Independence Day level of inspiration, but nothing comes close to the magic of the relationship between Elrond and Durin. When Galadriel isn’t writing checks she can’t cash, she and the other Elves seem to be operating in stark black and white. So where does that leave the characters? Find out in this episode of Dug Too Deep.

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