
S04E05 – Zhuangzi – Feedback

Gather ‘round fleshy humans, we’re going through YOUR feedback and theories. Is this all part of Ford’s scheme? Is the show using the Darth Vader plan? Is there a secret Morse code message in lipstick application? Can hosts anchor themselves in reality the same way humans can? And we have special feedback for our philosophy episode!

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S06E10 – Nippy

It’s Gene Week on Better Call Saul S06E10 “Nippy” which means the entire episode is shot in black and white. However, neither the filming choices or sad sack Gene are able to drain all the color out of this vibrant scam-filled episode.

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S04E05 – Zhuangzi

Are we hosts dreaming that we’re human? Or are we humans dreaming that we’re hosts? Dive into the philosophical origins of the title of this episode. Jim comes around to A.Ron’s ascension theory based on evidence from this episode. We get some answers in this episode, but now we have more questions.

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S04E05 – Zhuangzi – Instant Talk

Join in on our discussion of YOUR questions and theories. Westworld is hitting its stride in a big way. It felt good to finally get some answers to our burning questions, but now that the door has been kicked down, more questions are flooding in. Charlotte Hale is cementing her place as one of the greatest villains. We’ve done the philosophical research for you in this episode of Watching Westworld with philosopher Aaron Rabinowitz.

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LWJ&A – Episode 345 – Bitch Lunch

Lunchtime! Welcome to the third lunch of the month, aka Bitch Lunch, dedicated to complaining about Amazon, the decline of independent tech stores, and the particulars of Chromebook software. Did you know the future of healthcare is being slingshot to the hospital? While you’re flying your way to the ER, you can high-five the Walmart and Amazon delivery drones dumping stuff no one needs into backyards.

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The Age of Innocence (1993)

Let’s take a dive into Scorsese’s catalog to a movie with those signature crane shots and quick cuts, but with an extremely low body count. The exploration of love and longing within a rigid world is portrayed by epic performances from Daniel Day Lewis, Michelle Pfieffer, and Winona Ryder and camerawork that speaks as much as the characters. In this odd child of Scorsese’s body of work, you’re sure to find swoon-worthy dialogue, Oscar winning costumes, and a love story with more than what meets the eye.
Thank you to The Epic Mouthful for commissioning this podcast!

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S03E07 – Bring It Down

What is being brought down? The reputation of the American Government? We’re doing that in this reality too, hey-o! Starting out with opposing views, Jim and A.Ron take you through an episode where not enough shoes drop and the chaos grows. If you feel the need to respond to Jim’s scorching hot take on the cute puppy/irritating noise machine, you can scream at him at jim@baldmove.com about cyber puppy crimes.

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S04E04 – Generation Loss – Feedback

How is the sublime capable of simulating the entire earth? Can a heaven become a hell? Has the simulation spread to the entire universe? Is it a tuna melt or a pastrami sandwich?? Are the host marbles symbolic wads of dung??? And Michele Boyd, who plays Temperance Armistice, writes to your favorite hosts. Tune in for answers and laughs with Jim and A.Ron in this feedback episode. 

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Badasses 2022 – The New Crop of Badasses

Shake those protein drinks because we’re considering new badasses tonight. There are select iconic and soon-to-be-iconic characters in tonight’s potential inductees from Laura Croft to Evelyn Wang. Badasses of days past and movies released in recent memory are ranked by Jim and A.Ron’s special, super serious badass ranking algorithm. Find out who makes the cut in this stream.

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S06E09 – Fun and Games

This week’s episode is one of the best of the series. It recontextualizes everything we thought we knew about our characters in a way that I thought was impossible. Join us for the podcast as we dive into what happened and where that leaves us.

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