
404 – Chapter Four: Dear Billy

The Vecna isn’t the only horrifying thing that you see this season. Shedding the skin of the fun, breezy Stranger Things that we started with a few years ago, this season is going down darker roads. We have to sit with these characters through more adult situations as they try to navigate these with kid solutions. And it is starting to seem that Hopper is likely evolving into a Steven McQueen-esque superhero. Maybe.

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S01E06 – Part Six

David Simon ends his statement in a finale that leaves us both heartbroken and hopeful. The bad guys in blue are behind bars, but that’s not enough. The current broken system will churn out more. Does Jenkins, and people like him, truly realize that they are part of the problem? How far can this situation push until it breaks people like Nicole Steele? It makes us ask the question, what does it mean to truly do good and create a justice system based on rehabilitation and redemption?

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403 – Chapter Three: The Monster and the Superhero

Those icy blue eyes of the Vecna have us transfixed when the episode isn’t being a little clunky. The relationships in this show deliver in the teenage angst department. Jim can’t relate to the angst because he’s always been popular. But the real question to the duality of existence, can someone be both a monster…

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402 – Chapter Two: Vecna’s Curse

Someone take care of these kids! Eleven/Jane is being bullied and Will, easily the most traumatized child in Hawkins, is hurting and wants his friends back. We hope life is kind to this cinnamon roll of a person, but this is Hawkins. A.Ron is putting on Dustin’s thinking cap and has some theories to present. How is everyone with guilt or dark secrets going to be affected by Vecna? We’re dying to find out. 

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401 – Chapter One: The Hellfire Club

Stranger Things is back with a moodier season and we’re here for it. Hawkins, Indiana is haunted and harassed once more by…STRANGE things (I couldn’t help myself). The kids are growing up and growing apart while finding their place in the world. And who is this monster for this season? Mind Flayer 2.0, some sort of Soul Reaper, someone who spent way too much time in the sun? We’re ready to find out. 

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Season 3 Preview

The Boys are back. After almost two years, we’re ready for the next season of blood, guts, and fun. Can Karl Urban hold up to his own high standards? We’re hopeful that he will and for many other things. We’ll be covering each episode with podcasts dropping Friday nights. Send in your (non-comic related) feedback to dhs@baldmove.com.

Join the Bald Move watch party at twitch.tv/baldmove and link your Amazon Prime account for free, Thursday June 2nd at 7PM EST.

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S06E07 – Plan and Execution

The mid-season finale was a serious mind-blower with “Jim and Kimmy’s” plan to take down Howard coming to fruition and Gus’s stalker Lalo, showing up where he’s not wanted. Join us for the podcast to hear our thoughts before the 6-week break until the final stretch of Better Call Saul.

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S01E05 – Part Five

In the penultimate episode of We Own This City, we’re seeing the investigation probe deeper into the corruption of the police department and the boys in blue are getting antsy. Nicole Steele shares a new layer and insight to her personal experiences. Watch with dismay as the corruption in Baltimore extends all the way into President 45’s administration. When everybody points the finger at everyone else, how does anything get fixed?
Have feedback? Drop us a line at corners@baldmove.com. Looking for more on the subject? Check out Season 3 of Serial, start here.

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LWJ&A – Episode 339 – Quit Mortuus Aperta Intus

Lunchtime! We covered A LOT today. Ever wonder the difference between prestige and pulp? Hear our officially unofficial answer. What are your favorite foods, board games, and opinions on your local strip club? Hear a passionate stance on Taco Bell and an idea for a Penalty Box for bad episodes of good shows. And I think we should have a competition to see who can come up with the best coat of arms for Bald Move. Real talk, tell the people you care about that you love them. Life is fleeting, let’s make the most of it. And no Lunch next week because we’re covering Stranger Things!

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S01E04 – Part Four – Feedback

Looking at the systemic problems impeding justice, we wonder: how do we create solutions? And that’s the rub, there are no immediate solutions. The way forward will be incremental changes over years. Sounds like too long? It is. This is a multigenerational problem. Hopefully the addition of shows like The Wire and We Own This City are changing minds and bringing more attention to issues that need to be dealt with.

And thank you to the Baltimore residents who write in to check the authenticity of the show and provide more context. And for confirming Jon Bernthal’s Baltimore dialect is accurate.

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