
Empire Business – Talking Podcasting with David Chen

The relative youth of the podcast industry can make it tricky for content creators to decide what direction to steer their business in, and depending on the film and TV industry to deliver great content as the basis of that business makes it even more so. Join us on this episode of Empire Business for a conversation with David Chen as we discuss our experiences in podcasting.

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S06E06 – Axe and Grind

This many setup episodes is unusual for Better Call Saul, and it has a lot of people tapping their foot and looking at their watches. But there’s more to this one than just setup. We get a lot of mileage out of a Kim cold-open and Jimmy has never been more Saul than he is here. Join us for the podcast to hear our full thoughts on Axe and Grind.

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National Treasure (2004)

Conspiracy theorists rejoice, we’re covering your favorite movie. Everyone else, we know it’s in your top ten, don’t deny it. It’s got everything: clues, conspiracy, and the most toned-down Nic Cage performance on record. With the breakneck speed plot points you don’t have time to ask, “Does this actually make sense?” It’s good fun for all ages, which you don’t see a lot of anymore, so props to this movie. If you’re not enjoying it, you’re thinking too hard. Stop it!
What are you waiting for? Listen in on our discussion on America’s National Treasure, Nic Cage, in the movie National Treasure.

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S01E04 – Part Four

With only two episodes left to go, we are soon approaching the end of We Own This City. We hear the title of the show said in this episode and it’s as infuriating as it should be. The show asks the question, when the bully cops go too far even by the other bully cops standards, why do those people who could do something, still do nothing? When this corruption and violence is the input of this horrid policing, then this unrest is the logical output.

Have some feedback? Send it in to corners@baldmove.com.

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Barry S3, The Offer, Winning Time, Star Trek: Strange New Worlds, Atlanta – Off the Clock

Listener beware, there be SPOILERS ahead.

Catch our rundown of Barry Season 3 (HBOMax), The Offer (Paramount+), Winning Time (HBOMax), Star Trek: Strange New Worlds (Paramount+), and Atlanta (Hulu). Hear our takes on shows that we’ve enjoyed and our hope for the newest Star Trek show.

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The VVitch (2015)

VVe are rounding out our Robert Eggers coverage vvith this commissioned episode covering The VVitch. Is this puritanical family suffering from shared hallucination, or real curse? Under the evil imagery, is Eggers telling us a dark fairytale or allegory for a repressive environment? Maybe it’s both and either vvay, this movie is burned into our minds. This movie excels at vvorking its vvay into your subconscious and making you feel absolutely uncomfortable. Thank you Joey for commissioning this podcast!

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LWJ&A – Episode 338 – SCREWS. SCREWS.

Lunchtime! Happy Friday the 13th! On this Freaky Friday, Jim and A.Ron discuss what they would do if they woke up in each other’s body. Jim is going to eat tide pods, what a friend. Find out the best place to sit when watching a 3D animated movie from. According to Jim, the best place to get brunch waffles is Gabby’s Cafe in Cincinnati. And someone finally asks the question I’ve been wondering for a month, what kind of android is Jim? Turns out he’s ::ERROR::DATA NOT FOUND::, so I’m terrified.

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S06E05 – Black and Blue

Another setup episode has us tapping our foot like a prostitute-loving lawyer on cocaine wondering when we’ll get to the good stuff. And it’s not that the episode isn’t good, it’s just that anticipation of Howard’s downfall is killing us. But while the Kim and Jimmy plot taketh away, the Lalo plot finally arrives to giveth, with a forehead-slappingly obvious continuation that somehow managed to be a complete surprise. Join us for the podcast to hear our full thoughts.

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S02E10 – Farewell – Feedback

The magnetic containment unit experienced core meltdown, and the feedback is smoking. With the madness of this season it’s no surprise your feedback covers the gamut from bad borg face effects to the nonsensical character arc closures. What do we want in season three? A full cast reunion sharing a scene together. We don’t want Patrick Stewart to catch covid, but when else are we going to have the chance to see this?
Hailing frequencies are going dark. We’re not planning Picard Season 3 episode coverage. But if you want to hear us talk about it, consider supporting us to gain access to our premium Off the Clock episodes.

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S01E03 – Part Three

This show makes us mad, in a good way. We’re getting a wider scope of the issues ingrained in the BPD and the bad police policy implemented decades ago that just kept getting worse over the years. Follow us on our episode breakdown by topic as we dissect the multiple characters, nuances, and layers of this show. One of our deep dives focuses on Hersl and the perverse incentives in this system. 

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