
LWJ&A – Episode 337 – $35 For a Ton of Crushed Gravel

Lunchtime! Property Brothers? What about Property Podcasters? A.Ron and Jim talk about the next steps in home renovation and their beef with HOAs. Speaking of HOAs, A.Ron and Jim are creating board games, and my favorite is sneaking around the HOA. It’s the closest I’ll get to owning a house. Would you attend Jurassic Park all expenses paid with a 10% chance of death? Surprisingly, not a tough question for these guys to answer. Tune in for officially unofficial life advice and more on this week’s lunch!

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Barry, Shining Girls, Russian Doll, Atlanta, Halt and Catch Fire, Treme

“Off the Clock” is our weekly premium show where we talk about all the TV we’ve been watching in our free time. One episode per month is also dedicated to discussion of topics voted on by our Patreon supporters.

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S02E10 – Farewell

Set phasers to mildly entertained. There were a few good moments sprinkled amongst the madness. Q and Picard’s relationship comes to a somewhat satisfying end with Picard now unshackled from his past decisions. The road getting here was rough, but was it worth the journey? And A.Ron has been cured of Jurati syndrome. Thank you for all the sympathy cards.
Picard Season 3 episode by episode coverage is TBD. Who’s looking forward to the reunion next season?
Integrity of the magnetic containment unit is deteriorating. Power crystals might last for one final episode. Send in your feedback to picard@baldmove.com.

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House of the Dragon Preview 5

We’ve got hopes as high as the budget. HOTD caps their budget at a humble $20 million per episode. Meanwhile, Bezos goes full tilt funneling $500 million into The Rings of Power. For comparison, Peter Jackson made the LOTR trilogy with an average of $94 million per movie, modest by today’s high fantasy standards. Fans of fictitious languages, HOTD will have something to tickle your articulators. Will TROP and HOTD be friends, or fight on the streaming playground? Who knows, maybe they’ll both be bad and we can commiserate on Reddit.

More linguistic insider scoops: Game of Thrones 2: Electric Bookaloo – Bonus Bookaloo: House of the Dragon and More

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S06E04 – Hit and Run

It’s a setup episode this week but that doesn’t mean we can’t have a little fun, with Gus displaying his love of the underground, Kim meeting an acquaintance from her past, and Jimmy wearing “Howard face”. Join us for the podcast to hear our thoughts on S06E04, Hit and Run.

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S02E09 – Hide and Seek – Feedback

“Don’t make me defend this show.” A.Ron five times during this episode.
We’re glad to see that elements of this show speak to some people. But when it’s not speaking to us, it’s confusing us. Don’t miss Picard: The Lost Episode, a dramatic reading from A.Ron of a fan spec script that explains this madness. Before you get too giddy about the next Star Trek shows, it’s the same creative team from Picard behind the other shows.

Integrity of the magnetic containment unit is deteriorating. Power crystals might last for one final episode. Send in your feedback to picard@baldmove.com.

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S01E02 – Part Two

It’s only episode two and We Own This City is laying out the big problems in the Baltimore Police Department. As to be expected, it’s a grim picture of corrupted departments and justice. What do you do with a law task force that has no regard for the law? In a situation that feels hopeless, maybe this show will offer a nugget of wisdom. 

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Trust Doesn’t Rust

On this season finale of WHY IS MR. FEENY A CAR?! Jim Jones joins us to break down one of the best KNIGHT RIDER’s of all time, which introduces the villainous KARR! What does the world’s oldest millennial think of all this mess? What are A.Ron and Jay thinking of doing on the off season? The answers to these and many other questions await your listen!

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LWJ&A – Episode 336 – Big, Stupid Glob of Butter

Lunchtime! Hopefully you have some waffles on hand because the food talk in this episode is going to make you hungry. Jim hangs his waffles on a line to cool, so he might be a serial killer. And we’re placing bets for who’s going to die in the last eight episodes of The Walking Dead. Maybe it’s everyone? Because who knows if these spinoffs are actually going to happen.

We have some game recs, sibling war stories, and ponderings about the edge of the universe. Remember: Cinematic Sundays are moving to Thursdays after this weekend!

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S02E09 – Hide and Seek

A.Ron is showing strong signs of Jurati-syndrome. And Picard is showing strong signs of “jumping the shark” syndrome. With the Borg rampage continuing and more battles being introduced into the show, Jim and ARon have a couple of useful suggestions. Who else wants to see these guys direct an episode of Picard? Though the show is a shadow of itself, we see a glimmer of hope for season three with the exciting cast announcement. But until then, we don’t have high hopes for how season two will end.
The subspace frequencies are open and the containment bottle efficiency has been increased by 66%, send in your feedback to picard@baldmove.com. Only one episode left in this season!

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