
The Great Escape (1963)

Loosely based on the real event of an Allied escape from a Nazi POW camp, The Great Escape boasts an ensemble cast with big names starting out their careers. Check out James Garner before Rockford Files, Charles Bronson before Death Wish, and Richard Attenborough three decades before Jurassic Park. The ‘Cooler King’ is also the King of Cool, Steve McQueen is the OG Tom Cruise having done his own stunt work in the iconic motorcycle chase. So come check out what’s probably one of your dad’s favorite movies!

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S06E03 – Rock and Hard Place

There’s really only one thing to talk about this week and if you’ve seen the episode you already know. For spoiler’s sake, lets all just get into the podcast before we drop any hints.

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The Expanse – Final Book Trilogy Review with Pete Peppers

Listener beware, there be spoilers ahead. On this episode A.Ron is joined by the one and only Pete Peppers as they discuss all things Expanse. A.Ron’s been itching for a fellow human to discuss the books with, any other hardcore fans out there? As avid readers and watchers of the books and TV series, A.Ron and Pete have plenty of in depth opinions for fans of The Expanse to digest. They highly recommend the book, by the way. 

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The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent (2022)

Nic Cage is back! Not that he went anywhere. It’s more than just a Nic Cage highlights reel with family drama, action pieces, and actual funny moments that weren’t spoiled by the trailers. Not to mention an amazing performance from Pedro Pascal. If you enjoy the enigmatic being that is the legendary Nic Cage, or even if you don’t, it’s a fun movie.

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S02 E08 – Mercy – Feedback

“Highly illogical.”–Spock. OG Spock said it right.
Fans of Old Trek admired the show for its unique personality, but now Star Trek and all of its spinoffs have gone the way of the blockbuster. With uninspired action set pieces, unnecessary character trauma, and nonsensical behavior of Star Fleet Officers, we’re really missing Classic Trek. The intellectual heritage got blown away by the lens flares. Let’s explore the universe, not have another CGI battle.
The subspace frequencies are open and the containment bottle efficiency has been increased by 33%, send in your feedback to picard@baldmove.com.

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S01E01 – Part One

Back with another powerhouse show, David Simon and George Pelecanos are giving us a look into the corruption of the Baltimore Police Force. If you’re an alum of The Wire, you’ll find similarities in this show’s structure. If you’re not, this podcast episode has helpful insight for understanding the multiple POVs and how this mechanic is what makes Simon shows’ storytelling unique and powerful. There’s a lot to unpack, and this is just the beginning. 

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LWJ&A – Episode 335 – I Would Set the Bathroom on Fire

Lunchtime! Looking to get out of jury duty? Be self employed. Not sure what to do with the disposable container your sibling gave you? We have an answer. Where do you look when using a urinal? At the ceiling. The more you know…and do you want to know more?

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The Northman (2022)

Robert Eggers’ latest project, The Northman, delivers everything you’d expect from a Robert Eggers film; a moody atmosphere, immaculate cinematography, incredible performances, and a smattering of humor, all in a streamlined, easy-to-digest package. Join us for this first-run podcast to hear our spoiler-free review and some trailer talk, then stick around for the spoilers if you’re a Club Bald Move member.

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S02E08 – Mercy

If we’re going to enjoy Picard this late into the season, we need to stop thinking about it. Join us as we attempt to answer the pressing questions such as “Is Soji programmed to be stupid?” Seven takes it to an eleven and Jurati is sipping battery juice in an episode that goes off the rails.

Send in your feedback to picard@baldmove.com.

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S06E02 – Carrot and Stick

It’s a good thing they released these first two episodes of Better Call Saul season 6 on the same night because Nacho’s story really needed it. It’s not exactly the most interesting TV to watch a man run north and hide in a motel. They do what they can though. Aside from that, there’s a lot to love about this one. Mike pulls some Mike stuff to scrub any evidence that might link Gus to the Lalo problem, while leaving a whopper of a question for us to ponder. And it’s the return of the Kettlemans who Jimmy and Kim incorporate into their progressing scheme to take down Howard and get that sweet Sandpiper money.

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