Empire Business – State of the Empire 2022
Find out what has happened at Bald Move in 2021 and where we’re going in 2022.
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Find out what has happened at Bald Move in 2021 and where we’re going in 2022.
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It’s a very special Halloween in February episode as we’re treated to the show’s 2nd Festival, Halloween in the Commonwealth. What spooky movies will they be playing in the cinema? How many people will they lose to last-minute projector bulb runs? What’s the most inconsiderate fright that a sheltered population could fill their haunted house with? Find out with us on this week’s podcast!
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Lunchtime! This week we debate the merits of audiobooks vs e-reading vs dead trees, as well as what to do when you reach the bottom of cereal or soup. A.Ron plans his father / son ski trip, Jim plans his brother’s Tesla parade, and we finish it all off with some discussion of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
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Join us for a wrapup with our thoughts on the success of this year’s 24hr Groundhog Day charity marathon followed by an interview with CureAlz.org project coordinator, Connor.
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Star Trek: Picard returns next week for season 2 and that means it’s time for The Podcast Maneuver to return as well. Join us for some discussion about the trailer and our plans for season 2 coverage.
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We didn’t get much feedback on this episode but we consider what we have. For next week, we’ll combine the feedback with the following week’s recap podcast (ep. 11) so keep your eye out for that. If we return to full feedback capacity before the end of this chunk of episodes we’ll return to the…
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If all you know of Rocky is Mr. T and Ivan Drago, you might be shocked to find out this won an Oscar for Best Picture and Best Director and earned Sly Stallone a writing Nomination. That’s right kids, once upon a time, Rocky was actually good!
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The Walking Dead is back for the second, but not final, premiere of the eleventh season and so are we to praise it where it’s good (yes, it’s occasionally good) and to blow it up like it was hit by the hwacha when it’s bad (it often is). Join us for the podcast to find out what we thought.
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Lunchtime! We’re back from our post-groundhog stream vacations and ready to clear the backlog of your questions that have built up over the past 2 weeks.
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Uncharted is getting pretty awful reviews and we think we know why. Mark Wahlberg. He’s just a bad Sully and doesn’t seem particularly interested in being in what is an otherwise competent National Treasure-style action movie. It feels very similar to the series of games and the set pieces were enjoyable enough to keep us engaged, with maybe one exception. Join us for the podcast to hear our full spoiler-free thoughts and then, if you’re a Club Bald Move member, continue into the spoiler section at the end.
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