John Carpenter

They Live (1988) – 35th Anniversary

It’s the mid-80s! Shoulder pads, big hair, and inequality! John Carpenter’s zombie movie is intended to be a critique of the Reagan Era. Critiques on hyper-consumerism, examination of class tension, and an unforgettable fight scene make this movie a stand out. Dive into the zombie-decorated social commentary that is as relevant today as it was 35 years ago.

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The Thing (1982)

Special thanks once again to Sean Ray for commissioning thus podcast for the 1982 John Carpenter sci-fi/horror classic, The Thing. The location, sense of isolation and paranoia, and atmosphere of dread this film is able to generate is incredible. Kurt Russel is iconic in his role as everyman bad*ss. And the gruesome, disturbing practical effects work still effectively sells the horrific alien action.

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