Joss Whedon

Cabin in the Woods (2012) – Anniversary Rerelease

Bald Move Pulp is where you can get your fix of robots, aliens, action space adventures, and everything in between; on television or on the big screen. Pulp was not made for serious drama, if that’s your thing, you might be looking for Bald Move Prestige.

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Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog (2008)

Special thanks to Tyler Shumway for commissioning the 2008 musical web series, Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog for our review. The creative fruit of the 2007 WGA strike, Joss Whedon employed his Hollywood friends and family for a whimsical take on Superheroes and Villains, casting Neil Patrick Harris and Nathan Fillion as a dynamic duo struggling to control the heart of their city, and one particular woman who dwells within it. From that fairly silly premise, a surprisingly good musical with plenty of heart is born. Also, there is an accompanying musical commentary track to go along with it. That’s something you don’t see every day.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1997)

Special thanks to Tyler Shumway for commissioning a podcast for three of his favorite episodes of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, the 1997 television adaptation of the movie of the same name, spearheaded by Joss Whedon. Tyler wanted our thoughts on episode 410, “Hush”, 516, “The Body”, and finally the musical episode, 607 “Once More With Feeling”. Are reactions are a bit mixed, but lively and spirited debate ensue, and A.Ron gets choked up thinking about robots having babies.

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Firefly (2002)

In this community commissioned podcast, we discuss Joss Whedon’s 2002 television series, “Firefly”, which was sadly strangled in the crib by Fox, only to miraculously arise again in the form of a movie, where Whedon decided to put it down for good. We love the series so much that we watch the whole damn thing again, and the movie, and we have a lot of thoughts on the matter. We hope you enjoy this super sized reminiscing of one of our favorite Sci-Fi series of all time.

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The Cabin in the Woods (2012)

Andrew “The Commissioner” Mount has indicated a fifth movie that needs some Bald Move attention, this time the 2012 horror “The Cabin in the Woods”. Written by Joss Whedon and directed by long time collaborated Drew Goddard, and staring the Mighty Thor, it was what I would describe as a pleasant surprise. I was prepared for a stock slasher flick, and what I got was… something more than that. Can’t really say much else, and if you’re a horror fan who somehow missed this, I encourage you to give it a watch before you give this a listen.

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