
Kaleidoscope – White

David and John wrap up their coverage of the Netflix Original Series, Kaleidoscope. The heist is finally here and it is… fine. After discussing the challenges of covering a binge show and this unique show with a randomized order, David and John do a scene-by-scene breakdown of this episode and its connections with the episodes that came before.

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Kaleidoscope – Red

David and John continue their coverage of the Netflix Original Series, Kaleidoscope, this time going back to the morning after the heist in the Red episode. After debating whether Red would have worked as an opening episode, David and John do a scene-by-scene breakdown of this episode and what happens when a team of thieves falls apart.

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Kaleidoscope – Pink

David and John continue their coverage of the Netflix Original Series, Kaleidoscope, this time going forward to a time 6 months after the heist in the Pink episode. After agreeing that this was one of the better episodes in the series, David and John do a scene-by-scene breakdown of this episode and where the heist team ends up.

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Kaleidoscope – Green

David and John continue their coverage of the Netflix Original Series, Kaleidoscope, going back 7 years before the heist in the Green episode. They discuss the incorporation of color into the production of this series before doing a scene-by-scene breakdown of this intense episode.

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Kaleidoscope – Off the Clock

To begin, Jim and A.Ron discuss the news concerning 1899’s cancellation. Netflix will try to fill the 1899-shaped void with their newest project, Kaleidoscope. Giancarlo Esposito stars in the lukewarm Netflix experiment. You can watch the episodes in any order you want…expect you better watch “White” last!

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Kaleidoscope – Yellow

David and John begin their coverage of the Netflix Original Series, Kaleidoscope, beginning with the episode Yellow. They explain how they will be covering this experimental show which allows viewers to watch the episodes in any order. Then, they do a scene-by-scene breakdown of the episode titled “Yellow,” which takes place six weeks before the heist.

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