Karen Allen

Scrooged (1988)

Scrooged is the movie that knocks the Christmas out of A.Ron. The movie is great, until it’s not. Bill Murray is the Scrooge figure working in the entertainment industry. There are great practical effects, real injuries, great cast, and one of Jim’s “favorite” actors. Is there enough Christmas magic to save this movie?

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Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008)

Last Crusade was an excellent sendoff, so when this movie hit the big screen, people had things to say. Fourteen years later, Jim and A.Ron are here to share takes that are still scorching hot. Spielberg and Lucas, bastions of movie magic, sparred during production…and it shows. Indiana and his crew uncover alien activity and survive a Chet Hanks cameo. Climb into your emergency fridge and hang on for this wild ride.

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The Perfect Storm (2000)

When help is needed, George Clooney and Marky Mark will answer the call. Watch them battle a storm that threatens to swallow them whole. ILM put together these effects over two decades ago and they still look great. This predecessor to Deadliest Catch isn’t the perfect movie, but it’ll keep you strapped to your seat. Come sail away with us as we discuss The Perfect Storm.
Come back for our episode on Backdraft!

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