
Desert Island Movies – Episode 39

It’s a goddamn epidemic!  Another airline catastrophe, another cast mate crashed on a desert island.  This time it’s A.Ron’s turn, and he brings a twist to the top seven list as he considers what movies he’d like to while away the time with during his exile.  And if you’re thinking Star Wars makes the cut, you’re going to need to think again.

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Desert Isle Gaming Cast – Episode 34

Peter finds himself alone this week, stranded on a desert isle, with time to ponder his fate.  What games would he bring with him to keep him entertained in this scenario?  What will give out first, the island’s electricity, or his sanity?  Find out in this week’s cannibal-tastic cast!

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Bonus Content – Zombie Draft

Some stuff we recorded that didn’t make the show but easily could have.

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Badasses (Part Deux) – Episode 25

With the release of The Expendables, Sylvester Stallone’s attempt to revive the dying action movie genre, and armed with A. Ron’s patented Three ‘C’ System, the guys decide to take another run at the topic of Badasses. They promise things they never deliver and deliver things they never promise but one thing’s for sure, like the badasses of yesteryear, they pull no punches!

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Geek Babes Draft – Episode 17

Geeks love their babes. And in that respect, Jim and A. Ron are most definitely geeks. Peter succumbs to the crack of the whip and bows out to judge the picks while Jim and A. Ron line up their top 7 geek babe picks.

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Zombie Draft – Episode 9

Your safety during a zombie apocalypse should not be taken lightly. In preparation for the inevitable, Jim, Peter and A. Ron draft their off-the-cuff, fictional character zombie survival dream teams. Do yourself a favor and listen closely, it may just save your life one day.

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Badasses! – Episode 5

Arnold and Stallone were the ultimate badasses of the 80’s, action heroes with no equals. In episode 5 we talk about what made these guys so badass, the death of badasses, who had potential and why they didn’t make it, and if there is hope for the future of badassery.

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