
Loki – S02E06 – Glorious Purpose

The snake is swallowing its own tail. Loki season 2 has come to an end, does it satisfy the sci-fi nerds Jim and A.Ron? Does the emotion connect to the action? Is it a truly perfect parallel to the very first Thor movie? Whether or not this is where we leave the god of mischief, this season gave us a great story for one of our favorite Marvel characters.

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Loki – S02E05 – Science/Fiction

Science fiction is a widely read and respected genre, ok?! And the show is excelling at embodying some of those sci-fi tropes you know and hopefully love. As the known universe gets spaghettified, this show becomes a meta commentary on the comic book genre. Catch up on this discussion of Marvel’s Loki for the Easter Eggs you missed, eerie character parallels, and more! And remember, it’s not about the why.

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Loki – S02E04 – Heart of the TVA

There’s no time to explain! Ok, actually there is, and Jim and A.Ron are here to review this mind-blowing episode. It’s an episode that swings for the fences, will make your jaw drop, and spurs some fan theories. And if you thought the last cliffhanger was intense, just you wait.

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Loki – S02E03 – 1893

The second season of Loki continues by going back to the past. 1893, to be exact, as Loki and Mobius attend the Chicago World’s Fair. It’s another good episode of Loki, with maybe a couple minor worries. But those are for another day.

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Loki – S02E02 – Breaking Brad

It’s not a bummer of an episode, but it should have been. Billions of people were wiped away and all we got were blank stares. Where’s the big budget going if not to another big SFX destruction sequence? Not to say the episode was bad, this episode of Marvel’s Loki has set up some things to look forward to. Loki is tempted to the dark side and we love to see it!

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Loki – S02 Preview

The Marvel Machine is giving us the highly anticipated season 2 of Loki! Join Jim and A.Ron as they embark on the timey-wimey adventure of Loki, former villain, across multiple timelines. Get a refresher on where Season 1 left us, what characters are still in play, and how the show is set up for Season 2!

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Loki – S01E06 – For All Time. Always.

We’re more than satisfied with the way that the first season of Loki ended, especially with how relevant it seems to next phase of the MCU and the moral conundrums it raises. Join us for the podcast to hear our full thoughts on episode 6, For All Time. Always.

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Loki – S01E05 – Journey Into Mystery

We’re approaching the end of the season so the scale is ramping up. Luckily the effects budget is as well. But honestly, the thing we’re enjoying most are the multiple Loki storylines going on in this episode and the themes embedded within. Join us for the podcast for full coverage of this season’s penultimate episode.

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Loki – S01E04 – The Nexus Event

Well, The Nexus Event didn’t deliver on the hopes we had for it to retroactively make the last episode more interesting, but it did deliver some big surprises of its own. We’re all set up for next week to be big. Sound familiar? Maybe we’re stuck in a time loop. Join us for the podcast to hear our full thoughts on Loki episode 4.

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Loki – S01E02 – The Variant

The Variant is revealed (several times, actually) in the second episode of Loki, and it looks like we’ve got more time-traveling in our future (or past). Join us for a discussion of time-travel ethics, anti-heroes, and a pretty solid theory about Steve Rogers’ deal with the TVA.

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