
LWJ&A – Episode 347 – “I’m gonna go hit this back wall!”

Lunchtime! Jim gives a model building update. Did you give away your brother’s Pokemon cards without asking? Jim and A.Ron have some advice for you. If you’re looking for show recs, home owning advice, and funny social gaffes? Well, you are in the right place. Next week lunch will be Thursday!

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LWJ&A – Episode 346 – HOTD Premiere

Lunchtime! Get the rundown of A.Ron’s adventures in LA at the HOTD premiere and the holy grail of West Coast food, In-N-Out. Is that four-footed dragon logo a marketing ploy or theory-crafting fodder? With some Internet entertainers relying on getting paid for giving good reviews, Jim and A.Ron are proud to say they will talk shit about any show, any day if it’s their honest opinion.   

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LWJ&A – Episode 345 – Bitch Lunch

Lunchtime! Welcome to the third lunch of the month, aka Bitch Lunch, dedicated to complaining about Amazon, the decline of independent tech stores, and the particulars of Chromebook software. Did you know the future of healthcare is being slingshot to the hospital? While you’re flying your way to the ER, you can high-five the Walmart and Amazon delivery drones dumping stuff no one needs into backyards.

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LWJ&A – Episode 341 – An Old Dan Harmon Trick

Lunchtime! Today’s burning questions: which two actors would make the worst looking baby? And who has the better “hand extended” power, Eleven or Chris Pratt in Jurassic World? One can break spines and the other can calm a velociraptor. But then again, only one has been in interesting projects this year. Perhaps that is the true power. Hang out with us as we chat yard remodeling, favorite streaming platforms, and the popularity of Taco Bell’s Mexican Pizza.

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LWJ&A – Episode 340 – E.T. Gets High on Reese’s Pieces

Lunchtime! Your favorite fashionistas are here to deliver officially unofficial renovation tips, camping stories, and job advice. Who is your dream 90s superstar Avengers casting? Personally, I would like to see Denzel Washington as Iron Man playing opposite Danny DeVito as Thor. And let’s start that commune together. Meet me in the forest and bring toilet paper.

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Episode 55 – No Logo

Club members get access to a live recording of Lunch with Jim & A.Ron every Friday at 1pm, where members get to ask questions in real time. On the fifth anniversary of Lunch with Jim & A.Ron, we started reheating previous lunch episodes and making them available to the public for the first time.

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Episode 54 – Sausage Poisoned

It’s the first LWJ&A of 2016! We spent a lot of time over the break playing video games and watching TV. Who could have guessed?? We talk all about Batman: Arkham City, Pocket Mortys, Jim’s wire bonsai tree, expiration dates on food, Chipotle poisoning 53 people, and a whole lot more.

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Episode 53 – “Qui Chier L’évier?!” update, Christmas, etc

Club members get access to a live recording of Lunch with Jim & A.Ron every Friday at 1pm, where members get to ask questions in real time. On the fifth anniversary of Lunch with Jim & A.Ron, we started reheating previous lunch episodes and making them available to the public for the first time.

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Episode 52 – “Qui Chier L’évier?!” Part 2

It’s mostly talk about shit and shit-related practical jokes this week; namely, “Who shit the sink?”. Also, we start out 3-shots deep and keep it going from there. There will be much entertainment. Come have lunch with us and watch us be the opposite of sober.

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Episode 51 – Three Drink Friday

Club members get access to a live recording of Lunch with Jim & A.Ron every Friday at 1pm, where members get to ask questions in real time. On the fifth anniversary of Lunch with Jim & A.Ron, we started reheating previous lunch episodes and making them available to the public for the first time.

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