LWJ&A – Episode 374 – Lunch Munchers Unite!

Lunchtime! Top o’ the lunch to ya! It’s St. Paddy’s Day, so whether you celebrate with drinks, by wearing green, or reliving childhood trauma, we’re here to hang out with you. A.Ron shares his tips on archery success. There’s a further discussion on the progress of AI and a ranking of the Star Trek ships. There’s a solar eclipse next year, anyone interested in a Bald Move meet up in the path of totality??

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LWJ&A – Episode 373 – I Don’t Give a FUCK LUNCH!

Lunchtime! This is the crazy “fuck it” lunch. Get the debrief on the Mission Impossible situation A.Ron lived through. Cats on cocaine are running around Cincinnati. If you see Jim and A.Ron in public wearing Bald Move merch, it is safe to approach. Walk slowly towards them, blinking gently, and with one hand extended holding a treat offering. Why is this the safest method to approach, you ask? Well, it’s because there isn’t much of a difference between Jim and A.Ron and the cats on cocaine.

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LWJ&A – Episode 372 – The Solution to Pollution is Dilution

Lunchtime! A.Ron has his first archery lesson later today. Jim is looking for a new Italian school. Get a shortlist of Jim and A.Ron’s nostalgic videogame picks. Find out which upcoming shows the guys are excited about. And Jim solves California’s drought problem.

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LWJ&A – Episode 371 – Size Doesn’t Matter

Lunchtime! Jim and A.Ron start off with some Star Trek talk. How big are those Federation ships? Looking for a place to find all kinds of meat in Cincinnati? You hosts have the inside knowledge. Ever wonder what Jim and A.Ron would do if Bald Move suddenly folded? Find out answers to these questions and more at Lunch!

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LWJ&A – Episode 370 – Mass Appeal

Lunchtime! Your favorite hosts are back with a little bit of everything from a new Warhammer setup to current events. Come in and hang out for a casual chat on what other video games would make good adaptations, where A.Ron hid his Metallica albums as a teen, and how Jim and A.Ron would cast themselves in the MCU. Looking for fun past lunches? Look for the ones with the wildest titles.

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LWJ&A – Episode 369 – Send Us Ketchup Doritos

Lunchtime! Get a sneak peak of the success of the Groundhog Day stream before the full debrief. Are there any Canadian listeners willing to send Jim and A.Ron a bag of ketchup flavored Doritos? They’re curious what they’ll taste like and your favorite hosts will eat them on air. And listen in on a brainstorm session for what a “Greatest Franchise of All Time” podcast would be like. And the consensus is that the Breaking Bad/PopCorners commercial was pretty good.

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LWJ&A – Episode 368 – It’s a Hard Knob Life

Lunchtime! Jim can’t remember which restaurant Alexis took him to for his birthday. Maybe his cyborg memory banks are wearing out. Hear the latest news in football conspiracy theories. Get some Cincinnati travel recommendations. And catch the world premiere of A.Ron and Jim’s adaptation of a song from the musical Annie. You don’t want to miss it! Make it your ringtone! 

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LWJ&A – Episode 367 – Plane or Gorilla?

Lunchtime! This episode is a smorgasbord. First we have a serving of team pride from A.Ron who has gone to the Bengals side. Then we have a side dish of news on Rick and Morty. And a main course of hotels made of ice, a fatal “would you rather” question, and a little bit of Empire Business.

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LWJ&A – Episode 366 – The Ghost of Billy Joel

Lunchtime! Looking to add a fun chat to your lunch break? A.Ron’s house may or may not be haunted by Billy Joel’s harmonica. Hear the latest news on Jim’s modeling woes, A.Ron’s expansion of his workshop, and random chat covering the film industry. Find out which Star Trek souvenirs your hosts would love to have. Finally, Jim and A.Ron open the last of the Christmas presents.

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LWJ&A – Episode 365 – Bathroom Pass

Lunchtime! Ever wonder which Marvel characters Jim and A.Ron would do a love scene with? There’s more talk about the future for AI. Aside from the AI art, maybe AI friends will be your social circle of the future. Maybe the same AI friends will replace your real life podcast hosts. Maybe AI will automate the cleaning of public restrooms to take care of any…accidents.

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