Margot Martindale

Days of Thunder (1990)

Days of Thunder is the semi-dramatic car-racing cousin of Talladega Nights. Director Tony Scott has helmed other high caliber projects such as Top Gun and Crimson Tide. It’s written by Robert Towne who penned Chinatown and Mission Impossible 1 and 2. So why did this movie turn out to be silly? Well, it could be the relationship between Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise. Maybe it’s Michael Rookers’ lack of caution with his brain bleed. Whatever it was, it didn’t stop Robert Ebert from breaking the ethos of Tom Cruise down to a science.

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Cocaine Bear (2023)

You get what you see in the trailer with this movie, and that’s a good thing. The big, messy gore will entertain you, you sick individual. The cast will have you saying, “Hey, I recognize them!” every couple of minutes. And it’s all based on a true story from the 1980s! So, maybe this is technically a historical drama? Club members, you’ll get the strangest and most hilarious play by play for this crazy-fun movie.

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