Mark Wahlberg

Boogie Nights (1997)

Paul Thomas Anderson gives us a trippy look into the porn industry in this dark comedy. From hilarious to heartbreaking, this movie will go places you don’t expect. Marky Mark and his manhood become stars, but stardom isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. As these strange characters descend into a world of drugs and abuse, the message of the movie becomes harder to decipher. And A.Ron has some wild, JJ Abram-approved theories about the end of the film.

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The Perfect Storm (2000)

When help is needed, George Clooney and Marky Mark will answer the call. Watch them battle a storm that threatens to swallow them whole. ILM put together these effects over two decades ago and they still look great. This predecessor to Deadliest Catch isn’t the perfect movie, but it’ll keep you strapped to your seat. Come sail away with us as we discuss The Perfect Storm.
Come back for our episode on Backdraft!

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Uncharted (2022)

Uncharted is getting pretty awful reviews and we think we know why. Mark Wahlberg. He’s just a bad Sully and doesn’t seem particularly interested in being in what is an otherwise competent National Treasure-style action movie. It feels very similar to the series of games and the set pieces were enjoyable enough to keep us engaged, with maybe one exception. Join us for the podcast to hear our full spoiler-free thoughts and then, if you’re a Club Bald Move member, continue into the spoiler section at the end.

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The Departed (2006)

The Departed is one of the Scorsese movies that A.Ron and I most overlooked on first viewing. I had some inkling that it was good, but I couldn’t say why. After watching it 15 years later, we both got it. There’s a complex game of cat and mouse hidden under all those Boston accents and, despite clocking in at over 2.5 hours, it maintains the tension throughout. Join us on the podcast for a discussion of The Departed.

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