Marvel Cinematic Universe

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (2022)

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness is more Marvel fare and delivers exactly what you’d expect, but Sam Raimi is in full Raimi form with enough of a twist to keep it interesting. It’s just too bad that it’s co-protagonist is a MacGuffin. Join us for the podcast to hear our non-spoiler thoughts and what we think about the trailers for upcoming movies then, if you’re a club member, stick around for the full spoiler review.

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Loki – S01E06 – For All Time. Always.

We’re more than satisfied with the way that the first season of Loki ended, especially with how relevant it seems to next phase of the MCU and the moral conundrums it raises. Join us for the podcast to hear our full thoughts on episode 6, For All Time. Always.

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Black Widow (2021)

We’ve seen the only MCU movie about an Avenger to be posthumously titled with just their name, no subtitles, and we’re here to say that it’s still worth watching. Despite it being an origin story (of sorts) for an already-dead character and having a few third-act question marks, it manages to deliver on comedy, heart, thrills, and spectacle you want from a mainline Marvel hero story.

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Loki – S01E05 – Journey Into Mystery

We’re approaching the end of the season so the scale is ramping up. Luckily the effects budget is as well. But honestly, the thing we’re enjoying most are the multiple Loki storylines going on in this episode and the themes embedded within. Join us for the podcast for full coverage of this season’s penultimate episode.

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Loki – S01E01 – Glorious Purpose

We’ve seen the first episode of the trickster god’s new Disney+ series and we’re here to say that it’s off to a good start. Join us each Wednesday for our instant take podcast covering what’s shaping up to be a series of timey wimey morality problems to solve; just the kinda stuff we like.

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Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019)

Jim and I had the pleasure of taking a European vacation with Spider-Man: Far From Home. Just when you wonder how Marvel will pick up the pieces and continue from Endgame, the drop a super fun Spider-Man sequel on us that manages to be just as delightful as the first with even more heart. Tom Holland was born to…

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Captain Marvel (2019)

We have seen the latest Marvel super extravaganza, Captain Marvel, and come away with the suspicion that it’s missing something from the usual Marvel formula. If anything, it feels DC-esque in the way it’s attempting to shoe horn in a new, unknown super power into the MCU. Uninspired fights, plot twists that are seen for miles away, and lacking engaging supporting characters (aside from Jackson’s Nick Fury, whom Brie’s Marvel has very good chemistry with) that give the main character emotional stakes, Captain Marvel is good, perhaps, but not great, and maybe that’s overselling it. 

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Avengers: Infinity War (2018)

It took ten years of careful buildup to make the massive undertaking that is Avengers: Infinity War possible, but was all the effort worth it?  Hell, yes.  This is hands down the most epic comic book film ever made, and it is full to bursting with Marvel Studios hallmarks; funny interactions within the heroes, inventive and imaginative fight scenes, jaw-dropping, awesome world and universe building, and genuine character beats.  The final act contains some effective gut punches that Jim and I are both more than a little skeptical of, but in the moment really work well, and can only really be judged after we see what comes next.  At this point, I’m not willing to bet against Marvel.

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Thor: Ragnarok (2017)

Jim and A.Ron have seen Thor: Ragnarok and let us be the millionth person to tell you that it is fun and colorful.  There isn’t much else there, but, you know,  but director Taika Waititi ensured that it’s really fun and really colorful.  It asks some big questions about Thor, and Odin, and even the Hulk, but isn’t really interested in the answers.  It’s not a bad thing, because it is really, really fun.  Cate Blanchett is clearly enjoying being a vampy big bad with a flair for irony and the dramatic, Jeff Goldblum is a delight as an eccentric gladiatorial slave owner. The premise and resolution are quite clever.  We just are a little puzzled at some of the over the top early buzz hailing it as the new benchmark for comic book movies.  

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Captain America: Civil War (2016)

Jim and A.Ron have seen Captain America: Civil War, and they really, really liked what they saw. It was fun, weighty, maybe a bit long with the usual seeming plot holes (which comic fans can probably fill), but nothing that comes close to threatening to stop the runaway hype train that is the Marvel Cinematic Universe. We give you a fairly detailed non-spoiler review, before considering the many highly entertaining trailers that ran up front, and then finally, getting around to our no holds barred spoiler section. You’ll have to be a Club member to get the spoiler take, and read on to find out how you can sign up!

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