Michael Caine

The Prestige (2006)

Batman, Wolverine, and Black Widow star in Christopher Nolan’s adaptation of The Prestige. It has the hallmarks of a Nolan classic; a mind-bending plot, science fiction, and Michael Caine. Packed with detail, nuance, and hints, it’ll have you guessing until the very end. Join Jim and A.Ron as they comb over the details and hints in this brain-teaser of a film.

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Inception (2010) – 10th Anniversary

Tomorrow is the 10th anniversary of Christopher Nolan’s dreamscape heist film, Inception. We covered it immediately after its initial release and 10 years later we’re back to do it all over again. I assume we’ll hit level three in about 90 more years and come back from limbo to cover it one final time, but until then check out our 2nd podcast review of this film.

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Children of Men (2006)

Children of Men is a fondly-remembered, dystopian, science fiction thriller about the end of humanity, from Alfonso Cuarón’s mid-2000’s filmography. A.Ron has never seen it. Jim saw it once many years ago and enjoyed it but wasn’t blown away. What do we think of it over a decade later? Check out the podcast to find out.

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