
Jingle All The Way (1996)

A.Ron and Jim take in a Schwarzenegger film that we don’t have that much experience with, 1996’s Jingle All The Way, as the Bald Move Bad Ass Christmas continues.   What on the surface is a light hearted tale with decent to good performances hides a deeper, darker secret that exposes everything wrong with the increasing consumer…

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Jingle All The Way (1996) – LIVEWATCH

Come watch the movie with us.  If it’s bad, we’ll make fun of it.  If it’s good…  well, we’ll still make fun of it, just a little less seriously.

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Die Hard (1988)

The Bald Move Bad Ass Christmas rolls on as we take a look at 1998’s Die Hard. Starring Bruce Willis and Alan Rickman, and directed by the master of action/thrillers John McTiernan, is explores an eventful Christmas Eve in the life of one John McClane, a hard boiled NYPD detective. In a wide ranging conversation, we discuss the differences between a great movie and an awesome one, Bruce Willis’ career, professionalism and consent dealing with actors, and non-traditional Christmas classics in general. Hope you enjoy, and Merry Christmas!

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Wes Anderson – Royal Tenenbaums

Sic transit gloria, listen as we take a deep dive into the dysfunctional Tenenbaum family. Did we mention we are adopted?

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Die Hard (1988) – LIVEWATCH

Come watch the movie with us.  If it’s bad, we’ll make fun of it.  If it’s good…  well, we’ll still make fun of it, just a little less seriously.

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Rocky IV (1985)

Merry Christmas! Jim and I kick off the Bald Move Bad Ass Christmas celebrations for our Club Members with 1985’s Rocky IV. What makes Drago v Balboa a holiday film, you ask? Their climactic battle takes place on Christmas day. Plus, there’s snow, and pine trees like you wouldn’t believe. Very Christmasy. Anyway, this is a great terrible film that might have helped win the Cold War. We discuss the film, it’s place in the Rocky pantheon, and behind the scenes tidbits and stories straight from the Sly’s mouth. In case you missed it, we Live Watched this thing to, so be sure to check that out.

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Screamers (1995)

Special thanks to Josh Wilson who commissioned the 1995 cult sci-fi movie, “Screamers”. Starring Peter “Robocop” Weller, it works as both a goofy b-grade science fiction flick and a semi-serious work based on a short story by no less than Phillip K. Dick. It punches well above it’s weight in terms of concept, set, and costume design, but then surrounds Weller with below replacement value actors such as “Poor Man’s Bill Paxton” and “Homeless Man’s Val Kilmer” with mixed results. Still, it managed to provide both laughs and scares, and we feel we enjoyed it in the spirit it was intended.

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Wes Anderson – Rushmore

Rushmore is Oedipus. THINK ABOUT IT!

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The Voices (2014)

Julie Webster of “Teeth” commissioning fame/infamy is back again with another movie to bend our noodles. This one a criminally overlooked Ryan Reynolds movie, “The Voices”. Under the direction of Academy Award winner Marjane Satrapi, and joined by co-star Anna Kendrick, Reynolds really comes out swinging as a poorly understood young man with non-existant social skills just trying to find happiness in life. Unfortunately, for reasons both nature and nurture, his search is in vain, and the movie spirals down an ever increasing dark path. An impressive movie, and one worth watching if you don’t think Ryan Reynolds is capable of any kind of nuanced, interesting work. Just be warned, this movie is pitch black, and very uncomfortable in places.

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Wes Anderson – Bottle Rocket

Bottle Rocket is Wes Anderson’s first movie. It marks the debut of Owen Wilson and Luke Wilson, and establishes the Anderson canon. One of us really liked the movie and the other one hated it. Can two polorized podcast hosts find common ground? Stay tuned.

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