
Mulholland Drive (2001)

Jim and A.Ron tackle yet another community podcast commission, this time for the David Lynch movie, “Mulholland Drive”. Things get weird as we experience every human emotion possible and struggle to figure out what the hell just happened. Just know that this podcast is not meant to be interpreted literally, but to be emotionally intuited experientially.

Special thanks to the crew who combined their wallets, Captain Planet style, and summoned this podcast; Anthony B, Mike T, Davey Mac, Ryan Q, Rachael H, galicia73, Fidoz,
Jefferson B, hellogoodbye9, cocoa2mc, Martin K , Michael T, Joby M, and Walker W. Thanks guys and gals, we couldn’t do it without you!

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David Fincher – Gone Girl

Gone Girl is three movies in one. At one point, it’s a mystery. Then, it turns into a thriller. Then, a melodrama. But what really makes this movie is its masterful villain. Gone Girl has one of the best antagonists caught on film. The movie is able to take a fantastical plot and ground it in cold, comfortable, plodding dread. It is a testament to the quality that Fincher demands of his work. Bravo.

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Sully (2016)

It’s rare that a disaster movie comes out that isn’t completely over wrought, or sensationalized, much less one that is wholly positive and uplifting, but Sully, directed by Clint Eastwood and starring Tom Hanks at his Tom Hanksiest, is just such a movie. Even our podcast’s automatic pilot system, Jim Jones, was moved by the depiction of the sort of everyday heroism that can save 155 souls, and unite a country in a sense of admiration and gratitude. Plus, we talk crap about new trailers and the unruly elderly audience we enjoyed this film with.

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David Fincher – The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo is a compelling, affecting thriller on par with Season 1 of True Detective and carried by an amazing character performance by Rooney Mara. It’s another impressive bundle of Fincher-isms arranged in a new and enthralling way. Incredible stuff.

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David Fincher – The Social Network

The Social Network is amazing. Just watch it.

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David Fincher – The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button is a warm, fuzzy Forest-Gumpian tale of a deadbeat dad and his deadbeat dad son. Fincher’s take on this (very loose) F. Scott Fitzgerald adaptation is a departure of sorts from his thriller-tinged canon thus far. This is Fincher at his most romantic, and even still he manages to inject action, humor and slick, stylized camera work into the mix. It’s a good way to spend a Sunday afternoon.

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David Fincher – Zodiac

Mbqvnp vf n uryy bs n guevyyre jvgu gvtug cybggvat, ovt pvarzngvp zbzragf, naq n fbsg ynaqvat. Svapure znfgreshyyl whttyrf punenpgre, pnfg naq uvfgbel gb fcva n snzvyvne gnyr va n arj yvtug. Vg’f tehrfbzr. Vg’f shaal. Naq vg’f n nccebcevngryl n gnyr sbe bhe gvzr. Guvf svyz vf n cyrnfher gb orubyq.

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David Fincher – Panic Room

Panic Room is a balanced thriller with great pacing, excellent characters, and top-notch performances. It’s a movie that puts you in a big house and makes it feel claustrophobic. Fincher continues with his “making the big feel small” theme and delivers a beautify, clippy experience. It’s a fun watch.

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Suicide Squad (2016)

Jim and A.Ron saw the latest installment of DC’s attempt at bootstrapping a mega-billions interconnected super hero franchise, “Suicide Squad”. As an answer to question of who you gonna call when an Evil Superman ever comes calling, we don’t think it makes much sense, but we’re a bit more divided on the questions of “is it fun?” and “is it entertaining?”

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David Fincher – Fight Club

Fight Club. It is a big-time interesting cinematic experience that will keep your mind spinning. Fincher goes back to the mind-f*** well and this one’s a doozy. What’s real? What’s admirable? What’s B.S.? This movie could be torn apart, theorized and opined upon for hours, but we only have one. Give it a listen and give us your take.

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