
Brave (2012)

Well what do you know?  A bonus-bonus cast!  Voting was so close for this week’s movies we decided to do both, one with me and Jim, and one with NotJim, my girlfriend.  As a head strong, rebellious redhead, I thought she could bring some thunder to a cast covering “Brave”, which features a head strong, rebellious redhead.  Did we strike more Pixar gold, or was this a Cars 2ish lump of coal?

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Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter (2012)

The third Bald Movie, “Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter” was an interesting choice for us.  Based on the book by the same title, (and screenwritten by the same author), I had started to talk myself into the notion that this movie could be cool; after all, Abraham Lincoln is the kind of historic figure that has the larger than life biography to fit something like vampire hunting into his life’s nooks and crannies, the Civil War provides an always fascinating background for great stories to be told, and, you know.  Vampires.  What did we think in the end?

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Rock of Ages (2012)

Our coverage of the first listener assigned movie, the 80’s rock musical extravaganza “Rock of Ages”.  In this episode, we meet a fan, discuss the trailers we saw, what we thought of the movie, and meditate on Tom Cruise’s facility at portraying megalomaniacal super stars and G-rated strip clubs in the spoiler section.

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New Membership Details

As has been discussed, we’re dipping our toes into the pay-for-play waters.  We’re starting a series of movie reviews, and hopefully other extra content, for a small fee.  The people have spoken, and tomorrow we’re going to see, review, and release a podcast for “Rock of Ages”, the Tom Cruise / Scientology vehicle.  There are…

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Movie Poll – June 15th, 2012

[poll id=”3″] Alright! It’s time to kick off this project proper!  If you’re curious what this is all about, please read this in-depth post on the Bald Movie project from last week. Select a movie from the poll to your right that you’d like to send Jim and I to.  It’s kind of slim pickings…

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Prometheus (2012)

Our little experiment starts this week as we take a stab at reviewing the new Ridley Scott scifi-horror film, “Prometheus”. This is a free bonus cast so you can gauge what you’ll get for $1 when we do it “for real” next week. If you’ve seen the movie, you might want to take a peek at this livejournal review that analyzes some of the deeper themes involved, as Jim and I make reference to it quite a bit in the spoiler section.

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A Modest Proposal

[poll id=”2″] TL;DR summary:  Jim and I want to start doing one movie review a week, and are wondering if the listeners would be willing to pay $1/to listen to the resulting cast.  Read on for details… So, Jim and I started talking last night about things we could do to take Bald Move to…

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Truffle Shuffle – Episode 69

This is a terrible cast.  I honestly wouldn’t listen to it, if I were you.  I mean, I gotta keep it real, right?  I can’t say how awesome our casts are and it mean anything and then drop a turd and talk it up, yeah?  Yeah.

Thing is, I’m not sure why it flopped on it’s face.  We had some good bullshit up front; pimping the Brew Ha Ha, advances in metallurgy, saying a happy birthday to Alan Turing, and talking about Terry Prachett’s dignity in making end of life decisions.  A.Ron plugs one of his favorite twitter feeds, @humblebrag.

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Who the F*ck Are You Man!

Hello and welcome to our brand new show! In this episode Jhatt and special guest host Jazzy Jeff discuss why you don’t mess with the Jesus and if missed your chance don’t worry you get another. You’ll also hear why Neo is not the ONE; the Avengers movie might feature tampons, and why amateur bootleg…

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Bitch Slapping Mrs. Doubtfire – Episode 66

It’s rough going when you’re sitting across the casting table from the Unabomber.  But I persevere.  For the people.  For my people.  For you, people.  We open the show with some straight up BULLSHIT this week!  The apparently not-so-great state of Tennessee is banning the sharing of account credentials for services such as Netflix.  Jim survives an experience with Bitch Slap!, and A.Ron mourns the missed potential of Priest with a wheelbarrow laden review/recap.

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