
Unboxed – Episode 51

This week’s cast is HOT.  You know me well enough that if we have an iffy or so-so week, I’ll tell you up front.  “Under-promise and over-deliver”, that’s the A.Ron motto.  In related news; I’m a mediocre lover, ladies.  Rowr.

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Foam Huffing – Episode 49

Jim and A.Ron tackle one of the watershed issues of our day.  The god-awful disappointment of the Star Wars Prequel trilogy.  Spurned to discussion and debate by’s recent evisceration of Episode 3, we talk candidly about our betrayal by Uncle George.  Although initially Jim is less than enthused about the top — wait!  What’s that?! GOOD GOD THAT’S PETER STREET’S MUSIC!

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Watersports – Episode 46

I know what you’re thinking. This is the Blue Yonder crew. I’m NOT listening to any damn thing that is tagged “watersports!” I know! I know. But listen, it’s not about what you’re thinking. Mostly not. Maybe a little? But it’s totally in a video game context, so I’m sure you can deal. If not, I have several really excellent therapists I can refer you to.

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True Grit Review – BONUS Cast

I reckon it is about time to release this here bonus cast. It takes the form of a critical review of the movie, True Grit. Was it any good? Does it do the classic John Wayne justice? Is it badass? And more importantly, why is A.Ron struggling with making a folksy, western sounding news update to accompany this post?

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Tron: Legacy review – BONUS Cast

Hey guys, a bit of fresh content for your ear holes this fine post-xmas day. The entire Blue Yonder gang (including Peter!!) took in Tron:Legacy in mind-fucking IMAX3DOMFG-o-vision, and immediately returned to the newly christened (we all just peed in a corner and called it good) Bald Tower to talk about it. That’s the good news. The bad news is that there were some sound issues to overcome in the newly christened Bald Tower and poor old Tron Bonus Cast took the brunt of it.

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Badass Square Down – Episode 42

A.Ron and Jim break down bathroom etiquette, brag a bit about Jim’s new system, “Behemoth”, and catch up the listeners on the state of the Badass, with mini reviews of Faster, and looking ahead to True Grit, the Mechanic, and Nick Cage’s latest hilarious attempt to climb Mount Badass.

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Desert Island Movies – Episode 39

It’s a goddamn epidemic!  Another airline catastrophe, another cast mate crashed on a desert island.  This time it’s A.Ron’s turn, and he brings a twist to the top seven list as he considers what movies he’d like to while away the time with during his exile.  And if you’re thinking Star Wars makes the cut, you’re going to need to think again.

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The Cast That Killed the Diamond Goose – Episode 38

The dynamic duo is back, with the audio quality better than ever.  We talk about worst jobs ever, how content producers can compete with pirates (and ninjas), The Walking Dead, Wil Wheaton, Brent Spiner, and LeVar Burton forming the Holy Trinity of Twitter, our manlove for Scott Pilgrim, TSA’s new airport molesting program (opt in!  opt in!), Carl Sagan’s COSMOS, evolution theory, and more!

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Is The Pope Catholic? – Episode 36

Does a Droid suck down batteries?  Do regional agreements blow?  Why is the government have it in for gay marriage?   Is Sony trying to pull off a plot from Superman 3?  What console just celebrated it’s 25th anniversary?  Does Jim have the worst taste in movies?  Is Peter ever going to cast again?  Explore the mysteries of life with your hosts on this week’s episode!

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Potpourri – Episode 29

It’s a mixed bag this week as the guys lounge with drinks to discuss Predators, Karate Kid, Codex Alera, Star Trek and Video Games. Hold on to ya butts cause it’s a wild ride.

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