
208 – Chapter Eight: The Mind Flayer

Ladies and gentlemen, Bob the Brain.  Founder of the AV Club.  Hero to all. Shining star that burns so bright.  This is your episode, Bob.  We’ve got one more episode of season two of Stranger Things left before our marathon is over.  Let’s get to it!

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207 – Chapter Seven: The Lost Sister

Day three of our Stranger Things marathon continues!  We’re back, and so is Eleven (or I suppose we’re going to have to get used to Jane, yeah) as she makes a connection to a long lost sister.

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206 – Chapter Six: The Spy

Will sets a trap, and Hawkins Lab is about to be rocked!  That’s where we have to leave things as day two of our Stranger Things season two marathon draws to a close.  We’ll see you tomorrow for what’s sure to be the thrilling conclusion!

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205 – Chapter Five: Dig Dug

Hopper’s the one in need of a hero in this one, and A.Ron is gratified to see Bob the Brain step up.  Our season two marathon of Stranger Things continues!

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204 – Chapter Four: Will the Wise

Will’s just chillin’ in this episode, and D’art has a snack.  Day two of our Stranger Things marathon begins!

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203 – Chapter Three: The Pollywog

Well, that was just about the most horrifying thing we’ve ever seen.  And I’ll tell you something else, we trust that D’artagnan about as much as we trust Bob’s advice for dealing with critters from the upside down.  Our first day of binge watching Stranger Things season 2 draws to a close!  We’ll be back tomorrow for more!

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202 – Chapter Two: Trick or Treat, Freak!

This episode is really rough on the pumpkins, ya’ll!  Our weekend-long binge watch of Stranger Things season 2 continues!

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201 – Chapter One: MADMAX

The boys are back in town along with a host of new, but familiar faces.  Our weekend-long binge watch of Stranger Things season 2 begins now!

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Season Two Preview!

Jim and A.Ron get hyped for season two of Netflix’s Stranger Things!  We discuss the various trailers, interviews, previews, try to piece together the plot and make predictions, discuss our hopes and fears, and consider a bit of feedback before signing off until next weekend.  Again, our plan is to marathon the season over the weekend of October 27th.  That means we’ll have all 9 episodes out and covered before Monday morning.  Got feedback?  Send it in to the links below and we’ll consider it on our season two wrap up podcast!

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108 – Chapter Eight: The Upside Down

Jim and A.Ron offer their takes on Netflix’s Stranger Things episode, “The Updside Down”.   We’re undertaking a rewatch and podcast for every episode of season one to get pumped up for season two, which premiers on October 27, 2017!  We’ll be doing a season two preview this Friday, October 20th.  Got feedback?  Send it in using the contacts below!  We’ll be covering the entirety of season two the weekend of the 27th!  Come marathon Stranger Things with us!

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