
Season 2 Preview

We’ve watch the trailers (see number one and number two), read the press, and are appropriately hyped for season two of Netflix’s man without fear, Daredevil. How long will the confrontation with the Punisher last, how does Elektra and the mysterious Hand organization fit in, and has everybody forgotten about Kingpin already? Next Friday, March 18th, our coverage begins! We’ll have new episodes every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday out until we run out of them to podcast on. Can’t wait, see you then!

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Origin Stories and Season 1

We’re nearly into the second season of Netflix’s Daredevil series so it’s time to fire up the gears of the podcast machine. Last October a generous fan paid us to talk about the origin stories of both Daredevil and Kingpin. We went a little overboard and just talked about the whole damned first season. To start up the new feed, we’re repackaging that podcast and releasing it here.

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404, 405, 406 – Chapters 43-45

Jim and A.Ron are impressed with the strongest stretch of House of Cards in any a season. With events both shocking and eminently watchable, we praise the opportunism of Claire as she waylays the entire government apparatus as a sort of audition for her role in higher power. Will her daring gambit pay off, or will the Underwoods, and the United States of America, pay too high a price? Join us as we discuss and debate organ donation, the various schemes and power grabs, and analyze the potential treacheries and betrayals ahead.

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401, 402, 403: Chapters 40-42

Jim and A.Ron return to the seedy amoral world of “House of Cards”, taking in the first three episodes and finding it more nuanced and complex as it returns to the purer forms of politics from the first two seasons. Frank is trying to prove that he doesn’t need Claire to win, and failing miserably. Claire schemes on a plan that seems on the face of it insane, but what is she actually getting at? And how will Lucas’ sudden return to relevancy impact Frank? Which of the seemingly endless stream of weapons of mass destruction being hurled at the highest levels of government will be the first to go off and destroy everyone? Is there any good to root for at this point? We’ll be back with coverage of the next six episodes over the course of next week. See you then!

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Season Four Preview Cast

It’s looking like Season Four of Netflix’s House of Cards is going to be Frank v. Claire, no holds barred. Are you ready? Jim and A.Ron discuss the upcoming season, our coverage of same as well as our thoughts on Beau Willimon’s upcoming departure from the series in this brief preview podcast. See you back tomorrow for coverage of the first three episodes!

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Making a Murderer

Jim and A.Ron have a LOT to say about Netflix’s documentary, “Making a Murderer”. Lots of spoilers ahead, but if you just want our opinion on whether the show is worth watching or not, rest assured that it absolutely is. We discuss the case, the defendants, the evidence, the criminal justice system in America, and ask what can we do individually and collectively to fix the numerous issues that are shed light on.

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Daredevil (2015)

Special thanks to Robert Packnett who commissioned us to take on Netflix’s 2015 series, “Daredevil”, with a particular emphasis on the episodes “Cut Man” and “Shadows in the Glass”. This was a particularly shrewd selection, as they both deal with the duality of the main hero and villain of the series, and their histories, similarities, strengths, and weaknesses. “Daredevil” is a series that is so much better than it has any right to be, and it’s a magical combination of the writing, direction, and incredible charisma of the main cast that holds it all together and keeps it on track, making it even greater than the sum of it’s parts.

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Season Three Wrap Up

Pi’ilani and Cecily are back with A.Ron to give season three an epic send off. We discuss our final thoughts on the Piper/Alex/Stella triangle, thoughts on Piper’s Panty Business moving forward, where Sophia goes from here, touch on Healy and Caputo, and try to anticipate some of the plots and resolutions for season four. All this plus some last minute feedback from our fellow fans. Thanks for a great season, everybody, and we’ll see you next year.

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313 – “Trust No Bitches”

Kelly Anneken of Up Yours, Downstairs! and Family Meeting fame joins me once again for a super sized podcast for the 90 minute season three finale of Orange is the New Black, “Trust No Bitches”. We discuss our overall feelings about the third season, hate on Piper, Alex and Healy, share our joy at Black Cindy’s moving conversion to Judaism, debate the merits of working for one’s parents, and much, much more. It’s a podcast more colorfully deadly than a Jolly Rancher shiv, and it’s coming your way.

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312 – “Don’t Make Me Come Back There”

Nina from Project Fandom once again joins me to break down the latest episode of Orange is the New Black, number 312, “Don’t Make Me Come Back There.” In it we discuss how awesome of a mother Tastee is, in direct contrast to how awful a mother Aleida is, our shared, deep, and abiding love for corn on the cob, our dissatisfaction with Ruby Rose’s stint on Orange, and the tragic, heinous treatment of our favorite prison stylist, Sophia. Oh, and there’s some stuff with Piper and Alex in there, too.

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