
311 – “We Can Be Heroes”

Cecily joins me once again to recap episode 311 of “Orange is the New Black”, entitled “We Can Be Heroes”. This episode is all about the origin story of Beercan, and how nice guys can finish last, and how doing the right thing should be it’s own reward. Boo gives Pennsatucky some tough love, and Piper continues her climb to the top of the prison industrial panty complex.

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310 – “A Tittin’ and a Hairin'”

Amy from The Because Show joins A.Ron to discuss episode 310, “A Tittin’ and a Hairin'”.  Things get pretty real, raw, and dark for one Pennsatucky, and we don’t shy away from discussing our feelings about it.  Aside from THAT, there are a few moments of levity, such as Red’s rattaouie revelation, Black Cindy’s ongoing quest for Judaism, and Leanne’s not-so-subtle take over of the Cult of Norma.  All this and much more, coming your way.

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309 – “Where My Dreidel At?”

Pi’ilani joins me once again to break down the happenings on Orange is the New Black episode 309, entitled “Where My Dreidel At?” In this podcast, we discuss Chang-feet-tea, Soso’s mishandling of a penitent Leanne, Leanne’s secret Amish heritage, as the cult of Norma undergoes some growing pains. Also, Pensatucky’s park trips to feed the ducks gets very weird, and very dark, Piper and Alex do annoying Piper and Alex things, and the jig is up on the Kosher food scam.

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308 – “Fear and Other Smells”

A.Ron is once again joined by Kelly from Up Yours, Downstairs! fame as we discuss the latest episode of Orange is the New Black, number 308, “Fear and Other Smells”. We discuss prison paranoia, our thoughts on the Ruby Rose phenomenon, Suzanne’s erotic space opera and it’s insight into the tension between creators and fans of the creator’s works, and much more!

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307 – “Tongue Tied”

Hello, and welcome back from our brief hiatus as we continue our coverage of Orange is the New Black, this time talking about episode 307, “Tongue Tied”, AKA the one about the magical Norma. Joining me this week is Nina from Project Fandom, as we discuss the enigmatic Ruby Rose, Norma’s cultish backstory (and increasingly cultish present), lesbian failures, Rule 34 of the Internet, intergalactic space smut courtesy of Suzanne’s beautiful mind, and lots of other stuff including a smattering of feedback from our fellow inmates. See you Friday!

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One Week Hiatus

Hey everybody, as I explain on this mini-cast, we had some scheduling issues and host illnesses that ultimately led me to have to put the podcast on hiatus for one week.  This means there will be no new OitNB podcasts this week, but we will be roaring back Wednesday, July 15th, with episode 307.  The…

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306 – “Ching Chang Chong”

A.Ron and Cecily are once in locked up to discuss the latest episode of Orange is the New Black, number 306, “Ching Chang Chong”.  In it we discuss the finer points of frito lay cooking, the declining job satisfaction levels of Litchfield employees, impossible beauty standards as seen through the lens of prison sweatshop panty…

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305 – Fake It Till You Fake It Some More

Welcome to our latest coverage of Orange is the New Black, this time for episode 305, “Fake It Till You Fake It Some More”.  Joining me today is Cecily of True Blood Authority and American Horror Story Podcast infamy.  We discuss the hot new inmate flashback, the “Flacback”, the legalities of selling fake acid (and…

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304 – “Finger in the Dyke”

A.Ron is joined by Pi’ilani, podcaster for hire (appearances include The Because Show, The Walking Dead ‘Cast, among many others) to break down episode 304 of Orange is the New Black, “Finger in the Dyke”. A.Ron and Pi’ilani discuss Big Boo’s origin story, some touching moments between quasi-step-sisters Susanne and Tastee, a bunch of dumb crap with Alex and Piper, as well as the same with Daya and Bennett. All this against the backdrop of Litchfield being investigated by a company that is interested in privatizing the prison. Plot twist; every female inmate that is biologically capable of menstruation is on her period. Bum, bum, DUMMMMM!

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303 – “Empathy Is a Boner Killer”

A.Ron is joined for this episode by Kelly of Up Yours, Downstairs! fame! They hate-recap Piper and Alex’s hate-f&%$ing, discuss the human wreckage that is Nicky in this episode, the improbably burgeoning relationship between Red and Healy, and Caputo blackmailing Fig to avoid having to face the prison closing.

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