Not Tomorrow Yet

612 – Not Tomorrow Yet

The Walking Dead has strung together three pretty great episodes in a row! Jim and A.Ron could not be happier with this turn of events, as we tuck into episode 612, “Not Tomorrow Yet”. We discuss the horror of acorn/beet cookies, the appropriate time and place for Morgalizing, the unlikely relationship of Tobin and Carol, how not to break up with your post-apocalyptic girlfriend, and some general geeking out at the intense, well filmed action of this episode. All this plus tons of feedback and lots of spoiler section analyzing, coming at you faster than the break of dawn.

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612 – Not Tomorrow Yet – LIVE RECORDING

Watch us record the podcast, including all the sound checks, flubs, and riveting research breaks that you’ve always wished you could see… Hey, at least you can hear the podcast before anyone else.

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612 – Not Tomorrow Yet – LIVE WATCH

Come watch the episode with us. If it’s bad, we’ll make fun of it. If it’s good… well, we’ll still make fun of it, just a little less seriously.

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