Oliver Stone

Wall Street (1987)

Check out our Wall Street podcast! If you enjoy watching rich and powerful people con the less fortunate out of their cash and initiate young, hungry, impressionable kids into their cult-like business culture, you’ll love this week’s prestige podcast. We probably talk more about the state of the world than the actual movie but it just felt necessary.

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Natural Born Killers (1994)

Jason decided to tag his wife Aime back for the movies (Transformers, Toxic Avenger) she’d commissioned for him over Christmas, by having us chat about her personal favorite movie, Oliver Stone’s 1994 film, Natural Born Killers. We found this movie to be wonderfully cast (Woody Harrelson, Juliette Lewis, Robert Downey, Jr., Tommy Lee Jones, Tom Sizemore, among others) and fully insane in it’s direction, visuals, editing, and message, and thus spent about half our time talking about the film itself, and the other half pondering the human condition. Jason, Aime, hope you two crazy love birds enjoy this commission, and if either of you start talking about being the god of your world, back out of the room slowly. Make no sudden movements.

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Snowden (2016)

This week’s First Run Bald Movie is Snowden, an Oliver Stone movie about famous/infamous NSA whistleblower/traitor/hero Edward Snowden. We don’t think this is the movie that will change anyone’s minds about the matter, but we do think the topic of privacy, if not Snowden himself, is vital for discussion, and the film is a food springboard for just that. But, does any of this even matter, will any of it make a difference? Enjoy our spoiler free review on us, or join Club Bald Move for a more in depth, wide ranging, and somber discussion of freedom, liberty, and privacy.

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