
S01E01 – The Heirs of the Dragon

Westeros has not seen war in decades, and no war has broken out on the Internet about this show. Shocked? We’re not! It was a great episode, but will that continue? We hope so. Be careful if you haven’t read the books as any Internet searches will yield spoilers. And we will give 1,000 internet points to anyone who can prove there is a Lightsaber in the Iron Throne.

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S01E01 – Pilot

Jim and A.Ron are starting our officially unofficial binge through the many universes that are Rick and Morty! We find the boring, predictable, best way to start anything is at the beginning, which is where we find ourselves here with our discussion of the “Pilot” episode. There’s a lot to unpack with all the new characters introduced, and their relationships and dynamics, then throw multi-verse theory on top. If this is your first time through Rick and Morty, don’t even trip about spoilers, dog. We got your non-spoiler review and episode discussion up front, fool! And for you grizzled Rick and Morty veterans, we got a special section at the end where we go waaaayyy up the show’s b-hole with news, behind the scenes details, Easter eggs, and discussion of future plots.

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101 – Pilot

Jim and I have a lot of thoughts on the 90 minute pilot of Fear the Walking Dead, episode 101, “Pilot”. Is Nick’s portrayal of a drug addled teen realistic, or just annoying? Is the step father Travis well meaning, or an enabler? Is the mom Madison smart and savvy, or frustratingly in denial about what’s going on around her? Will we as the audience have fun watching and waiting for the characters to catch up to our knowledge of basic Zombology, or will it be tedious? And just when will Matt wake up and realize he can do so much better than the patronizing and frankly douchey Alicia? The jury is still out on a lot of these questions, but we along with our fellow fans sift through the episode for as many answers and indicators as we can.

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101 – “Pilot” – LIVE RECORDING

Starts approximately at 1:30pm EST! Come watch us record, live and in the Bald Move studio. It’s the fastest way to get our podcast, and see all the behind the scenes stuff including the occasional flubs and glitches.

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101 – Pilot – Instant Take

Jim and A.Ron talk about the pilot episode of Fear the Walking Dead, creatively titled, “Pilot”. What did we think? What did YOU think? Hit us up at the links below and tell us. We’ll have a full coverage podcast out by Tuesday, see you then!

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101 – Pilot

This week we discuss the hour long pilot episode, creatively called “Pilot”. We talk sad b-day hand jobs, Hank’s gun handling, Walt Jr’s love affair with breakfast, and divulge some behind the scenes info on the casting and production process. We consider some light feedback, and then get into the spoiler section where we highlight some foreshadowing and call backs that the Villigan is so famous for!

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